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他顺手牵羊带走了一台电脑。He made off with a computer.

千万不要再在商店顺手牵羊了。Don't you ever shoplift again!

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别跟我说那是顺手牵羊偷来的。Don't tell me it was a five-finger discount.

他顺手牵羊把我的钢笔和打火机都拿走了。He walked away with both my pen and the lighter.

她顺手牵羊拿走了那顶新尼龙伞。She picked up the new nylon umbrella on the sly.

他趁人不注意把这本书顺手牵羊了。He helped himself to the book when nobody noticed him.

那天聊完天以后,他就顺手牵羊把我的钢笔和打火机都拿走了。That day after our chat, he walked away with both my pen and the lighter.

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我们看着你走进来走出去,是为了防止你从我们店里顺手牵羊。If we look you in the eye as you’re coming and going, you’re less likely to shoplift.

杰克这回捡个大便宜,他还顺手牵羊接收了李先生那辆旧丰田轿车。Jack has got a great bargain. He even picks up the old Toyota of Mr. Lee's on the sly.

那个在逛商店时顺手牵羊而被捉到的富翁被发现有盗窃癖。The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania.

嘿,你那只昂贵的手表从哪儿来的?别跟我说那是顺手牵羊偷来的。Hey, where did you get that expensive watch? Don't tell me it was a five-finger discount.

我到桌子上拿书,顺手牵羊,一下子拿起打火机,转身就向楼下跑去。I take a book on the table, ShunShouQianYang, suddenly picked up the lighter, and turned to run downstairs.

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“虽然我已经很小心了,但在晚会上我仍丢掉了我的手表。这儿的人们真是喜欢顺手牵羊。”“Although I was so cautious, I still missed my watch at the party. Someone around here has sticky fingers!

经查证,这辆让他落网的轿车是盗窃所得,连车座下面的圣诞卡片也是他顺手牵羊偷来的。Police also say Tarr's car turned out to be stolen and so were the Christmas cards found under the seat of the vehicle.

刘胜男将黄金转交何政委后得知少了八两,原来是凤小脚之前顺手牵羊拿走的。Sheng-nan liu transfer the gold a little eight two after any political commissar, has walked away before it was chicken feet.

当然游客肯定不满足于这的T恤和泥泞,这些游客开始从这块巨岩顺手牵羊走自己喜欢的纪念品。Apparently not content with a mug or a t-shirt, these tourists began stealing their own personalized souvenirs from the rocks.

接著,那家百货公司,就像Sony一样,也可以寄一封信到巴士公司去抱怨授权以及顺手牵羊的事情。The store, analogously to Sony here, could well send a letter to the bus company complaining about authorising the shoplifting.

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起初他只打算盗走画家雷捷的一幅作品,但他“惊喜地”发现警报没响,于是顺手牵羊又盗走了另外四幅。At first he only intended to steal the painting the artist Lei Jie, but he was "pleasantly surprised" that warning did not ring, so they stole another four pilfering.

即使出门片刻,也一定要注意随手关好门窗,不要因为怕麻烦,麻痹大意,将门虚掩,窗户大开,让不法分子有机可乘,顺手牵羊。Develop the habit of closing doors and windows, even when going out for a moment. Don not let the doors and windows open for convenience. Criminals will take the advantage and pick up on the sly.