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只是你太会自我牺牲。You're just too self-sacrificing.

听一个含有自认倒楣,自我牺牲的笑话。Listen to a joke at one's own expense.

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自我牺牲是仆人心志的核心。Self-denial is the core of servanthood.

他富有自我牺牲精神。He was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice.

自我牺牲会在自然选择中出现吗?Would self-sacrificing emerge in natural selection?

在这种意义上,每个行动都是自我牺牲的表现。In that sense, eery act is an act of self-sacrifice.

不情愿的英雄也是自我牺牲的英雄。The reluctant hero is also the self-sacrificing hero.

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两情相悦的幸福,背后总有自我牺牲的悲壮。The two lovers happy, always has the heroic sacrifice oneself.

自我牺牲会使得我们面无愧色地去牺牲别人。Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing.

我在这里帮助你释放任何自我牺牲的想法或者行为。I am here to help you release any self-sabortaging thoughts or behavior.

但为什么有的宗教涉及自我牺牲和处罚存活?But why have religions that involve self-sacrifice and punishment survived?

没有无私的,自我牺牲的母爱的帮助,孩子的心灵将是一片荒漠。No unselfish, self-sacrifice of maternal love help, the child's soul is desert.

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一个装满了从牛排到冰冻鱼在内的所有食品的冰箱暗示其主人是一位“自我牺牲的妈妈”。A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the" martyr mum".

无论从哪点看来,从他的家庭纽带到他自我牺牲的举动,哈利都是这样做的。In every way, Harry does this, from his family ties to his self-sacrificial actions.

耶稣是律法的道成肉身。耶稣也是爱的道成肉身。跟随耶稣的自我牺牲的道路﹐就。As Jesus was law incarnate, so he was love incarnate. Following his way of self-giving is.

每天夜里,比利时蚂蚁福雷柳斯浦西勒斯的自我牺牲精神都会达到一个新的水平。Every night, the Brazilian ant Forelius pusillus takes self-sacrifice to a whole new level.

如果我们把爱的生活看作是英雄式的自我牺牲,那是令人伤心的。It would be sad if we were to think about the compassionate life as a life of heroic self-denial.

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加林在片中花了很多时间去了解中国文化中的自律和自我牺牲精神。Garin spends much of the film learning about the Chinese culture of self-discipline and sacrifice.

罗伯特·德尼罗为了这部电影而将自己变为一个臃肿肥胖,日落西山的拳击手,这种自我牺牲的精神令人惊叹。And Robert De Niro's commitment to transforming himself into this fat, washed-up boxer was amazing.

在孩子旳成长中,ISFP型家长会是极为忠诚而专注,富有自我牺牲精神旳。ISFP parents will be loyal, dedicated and self-sacrificing to their children until they leave home.