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他就是因水门事件而被痛斥的。He is reviled for his Watergate lies.

又或,他是否忿然痛斥百姓一顿?Did he turn on the people and scold them?

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报纸上痛斥着砸了就抢、撞了就跑的新闻。Newspaper are stuffed with smash-and-grab, bit-and-runs.

她打碎盘子时,她父亲很生气地痛斥了她一顿。When she broke the dish her father really jumped on her.

他更从不责骂,斥责,痛斥,责备他国。He never scolds, chides, berates or upbraids other nations.

当大卫被当面痛斥其罪时,他并没有藉词推搪。When David was confronted about his sin, he made no excuses.

他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.

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不管对其向往还是痛斥,人们都承认这项法案是历史性的。Relish it or revile it, everyone agrees that the bill is historic.

新闻界痛斥了对反革命的暗中支持。The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution.

他们对他痛斥了四天之后,斯塔尔宣布他将留职。After they beat him up for four days he announced he would stay on.

并且在这里我还要痛斥那些此时无法作出回应的人。And here I am ranting against somebody that doesn't have a chance to respond.

为此,我们痛斥中国人,而同时又不断地从事着把自己的孩子变成道德上的怪兽的行为。We revile them for it and proceed to make moral monsters of our own children.

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现在的我们痛斥礼数,试图摆脱所有的禁锢。Now we have denounced the etiquette, trying to get rid of all of the detention.

那位演讲者站在桌上痛斥反动派的罪恶行径。The speaker stood on a table, reviling at the evil doings of the reactionaries.

我们可慈悲为怀,我们可以痛斥不公正现象,我们还可以争取变革。We can show compassion, we can raise our voices against injustice, and we can work for change.

早在十七世纪的时候,一位地方官就曾痛斥少林寺“宅邸高耸,器具奢华”。A 17th-century magistrate railed against the temple's "lofty mansions and splendid furnishings."

朱格拉夫痛斥各国把气候变化从保护生物多样性中分离出来的行为。Djoghlaf lambasted countries for separating action on climate change from protecting biodiversity.

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吵闹间,秀玉发现的士司机竟然是大龙,更痛斥他欠她债务未清。Noisy, piu jade found that taxi drivers is dragon, more denunciation outstanding debt he owed her.

在愉快的社交宴会上痛斥坏老板和严厉谴责上司是很不合适的。Lambasting of bad bosses and slashing supervisors is inappropriate at lighthearted social festivities.

而且一个受到如此赞赏的总统直接接任了一个被如此痛斥的总统的情况,以前却从未发生过。And it's never been the case that a president so admired has directly succeeded a president so reviled.