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有时唱歌到了目中无人的地步!Sometimes I'm overweening to sing!

那贼人说他目中无人,只有黄金。The thief said he saw nobody but the gold.

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目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.

永远令人痛苦地挂着一副目中无人的时髦相?Painfully stylish with a permanent snooty look on their face?

他带着一种平静和冷静,不会目中无人但又很自信的方式谈吐。He speaks with a calm and coolness that is not defiant, but confident.

萨利赫已下令Sadeq的头目被逮捕,但仍然目中无人。Saleh has ordered Sadeq's arrest but the tribal chief remains defiant.

可我并非目中无人,我只是过于关注这件事。It's not that I don't care about people, I am just very focused on task.

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她一副趾高气昂、目中无人的样子,好像自己是女王。She had her chin up and nose high up in the air, as if she's the queen of the world.

他把强者与弱者一同化为齑粉,因为他目中无人。He breaketh in pieces the strong together with the weak for He regardeth not any man.

他个子不高,可是他把头那么目中无人地昂着,使他看来象个发号施令的人物。He was not tall, but he carried his head so haughtily that he looked a commanding figure.

他少年得志,目中无人,不过没有表露出来。He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

盖茨和公司目中无人,到了阻碍监管机构并且拒绝认真对待指控的地步。Gates and company were defiant, to the point of stonewalling regulators and refusing to take the charges seriously.

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看到赵建铭在电视机里目中无人的举止,人人都失望的摇头叹气。Everyone sighed and shook his or her head disappointedly after seeing Zhao Jianming's arrogant behavior on television.

利用欺骗和诱惑,它们设法让人类喂养它们,所以,既不挨饿又保持了目中无人的派头。Using guile and seduction they managed to get humans to feed them thus preserving their superciliousness without going hungry.

在那里他会见了金正日,这位面孔铁青的世界一级专制政府掌门人,也是目中无人的核弹试验发动者。There he met Kim Jong Il, the grim-faced leader of arguably the world's most repressive regime and a defiant nuclear bomb-tester to boot.

近代的狗更懒惰了,不能守夜,整日间昂着头颅狂奔飞跑,自高自大,目中无人。Latter-day dog is lazier, cannot keep watch at night, full during the day is holding a head high to run quickly madly spank, above oneself , defiant.

然而别人不知道的是,政锡实际上是个极度的利己主义者,自视甚高且目中无人,被同事们称为“高品质的垃圾”。However, others do not know is that the government tin is actually a extreme egoist, conceited and arrogant, be colleagues called "high-quality garbage".

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当两人又一次吵起来的时分,小满终于迸发了,请求两人不要在他人面前这么目中无人地打情骂俏。When two people once again at loggerheads, XiaoMan finally burst, request two people don't in front of others so defiant ground dozen the feeling scold qiao.

成为专家或者政治家和科学家往往会有一种目中无人的自傲——常常有很多这样的科学家——他们对与其研究的成果和观点往往是错误的。It takes a certain kind of hubris to be a pundit or politician and tell scientists — often many, many scientists — that they're wrong about what their studies have shown them.

萨达姆侯赛因期待已久的审判开庭,他表现得目中无人,对谋杀和使用酷刑两项控告声称自己无罪,拒绝承认法庭的合法性并和看守混战。And defiant Saddam Hussein pleads innocent to charges of murder and torture as his long-awaited trial begins with him rejecting the courts legitimacy and scuffling with guards.