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可是,他那著名的急脾气,仍一览无余。But his famous impatience is still close to thesurface.

白灼的阳光,令戈壁越发一览无余。Boiled in the sun, so that more and more sweeping views of the Gobi.

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当我们登上万寿山,在那儿所有的迷人景色就一览无余啦。When we mount the Longevity Hill, we can see all pleasant scenery at one.

山顶远望,泰莱平原,汶河西流,一览无余。The top view, Taylor's plain, Wen River flow, take in everything in a glance.

数日后,天气转好,白雪皑皑的整个北壁一览无余。A few days later the weather finally cleared, revealing a completely white north face.

华灯初上,临窗而坐,整个外滩的景色一览无余。Sitting by the window as the lights turns on, you can keep the wonderful view of the bund.

从顶楼窗口看去,我们农场与他们农场接壤处的那段河流一览无余。From an attic window we could get a sweeping view of the river where their land joined ours.

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薇奥拉和奥丽维亚的截然相反的个性特征也通过对照反讽一览无余的展现在观众面前。Weiaola and Olivia Marie stratton of opposite character also controlled by a glance of irony.

日前,她为某时尚周刊拍摄的一组写真大片曝光,窈窕身材一览无余。Recently, she is a fashion magazine of a group photo shoot big exposure, gentle &graceful body lace.

我的路痴就是从那时候起被明确的暴露在太阳下,一览无余。always lost the way is since then be explicitly exposure in the sun, take in everything in a glance.

大民族与小民族的利己主义,在这场战争中可一览无余。The egoism of big-nationality and small-nationality could take in everything in a glance in this war.

大火撕裂了这间佩里县的房子,烧焦了周围的一切,房子内部设施暴露在外,一览无余。The blaze tore through the Perry County home, exposing the interior and scorching the front, rear and side.

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它坐落在亚美尼亚与土耳其边境线的亚美尼亚一侧,从修道院里可以一览无余亚拉拉特山和亚拉拉特峡谷的美景。It is situated at the very border with Turkey and has a wonderful view of Mount Ararat and the Ararat valley.

我能看到黑糊糊的一群人正你拥我挤地背前排走,念到揭幕式跟前看个一览无余。I can see a dense crowd of people pushing their way towards the front of get a better view of the opening ceremony.

从路上经过这栋楼房,紫杉和长青的橡树多少把它遮挡住了,但是从山顶上看去却一览无余。It was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews and evergreen oaks, but it was visible enough up here.

这种化妆镜由七个镶镜的板组成,它环绕身体,使你可以真正对自己一览无余。This mirror inlay mirror by seven board composition, it is surrounded by the body, so that you can truly own glance.

宽阔的采景玻璃,开启灵活的落地门扇,使室外景色一览无余,尽收眼底。Through broad scene-viewing glass and flexible floor door leaf, you can see everything and all the sights at a glance.

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爱德华滋走到控制台的栏杆边上,房间里巨大的屏幕在这里可以一览无余。Edwards moved to the railing of the command balcony for an overview of the room's enormous horizontal situation screen.

所有的回报如期而至,爸爸的努力工作换来漂亮的公寓,在里面新加坡海岸一览无余。As expected, Father's hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium overlooking the coast of Singapore.

在酒店依窗而望,海景、山景一览无余,令您心旷神怡。Lean on your guestroom windows, seascape and mountain views can be fully captures to offer you a very refreshing feeling.