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对过去视若无睹的人也将瞽盲于现在。Whoever closes their eyes to the past, will be blind to the present.

有时纸团刚好呆在过道中间,同学们就会视若无睹。Zhiqiu sometimes just stay middle aisle, the students will turn a blind eye.

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所以,那位产妇的主治医生对产妇的死亡可以视若无睹。Therefore, the doctor for the deceased woman could be so natural for her death.

汤姆拒绝帮希拉蕊做作业之后,希拉蕊便对他视若无睹,形同陌路。Hilary gave Tom the cold shoulder after he refused to help her with her homework.

那若你们还在一起,你能对她视若无睹吗?If you were still together , you're telling me you could just walk away from her?

如果听众的情绪甚至在发言开始前就烦躁不安的话,千万不要视若无睹。If your audience is riled about something before you even start- don't ignore it.

最后,保护我们隐私最可靠的方法可能是社会的视若无睹。In the end, the surest way to protect our privacy might be societal indifference.

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它没有引导我们对于世界的理解,而是导致我们对于世界所受的伤害,视若无睹。It does not lead to grasping anything in the world, but to fleeting what injures it.

这时,之前对上一次袭击事件视若无睹的警方,一下子像冲了电一般活跃。The police who seemed so quick to dismiss Mr. Yang's earlier attack were suddenly energized.

相反,他们对公司在大量IT项目中使用开源的现象视若无睹。Contrary, they are to the company in many IT project the phenomenal go-by that uses a source.

而丈夫对我的苦痛却视若无睹,总是不肯减少自己的宣泄。And the husband is pungent to mine however go-by , always do not agree to reduce oneself drain.

如若对其视若无睹,听之任之,则会加重人们的性别偏见和社会的不平等现象。If on its turn a blind eye, laissez-faire, will accentuate the bias people and social inequality.

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这种变化也发生在新闻产品的用户身上,我们不能对此事实视若无睹。We cannot neglect the fact that all these changes also influence the consumers of the news product.

以及萨洛蒙兄弟公司的头头古特弗雷因德,对他公司职员违规买卖国库公债视若无睹。Gutfreund, the head of Salomon Brothers Inc. , who turned a blind eye on wayward Treasury bond traders.

面对貌若天仙的未婚妻,莫小河视若无睹,为生计干着坑蒙拐骗的事。Face appearance to be like the fiancee of a beauty, mo Xiaohe go-by, for bread dry hole covers the issue of abduct.

同样地,无论对自己性别的偏袒有多么明显,大男子主义者对那种偏见也是视若无睹。Likewise, a male chauvinist cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no matter how flagrant that bias may be.

假如受伤的女子躺在荒无人烟的高速公路旁,原本视若无睹的司机可能更愿意停下来帮忙。Maybe the drivers who swerved around the injured woman in the road would have stopped if they'd been alone on a deserted highway.

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苏前边有人朝着她的脸喷云吐雾,苏做了个手势表示不满,但吸烟者视若无睹。Someone in front of her is blowing smoke in her face, and Sue makes a gesture that indicates her annoyance, but the smoker ignores it.

这个短语常用来形容某人完全专注于他喜欢的电视节目,对周围的一切视若无睹的状态。也就是我们常说的“某人钻到电视里去了”这个意思。The phrase “ TV stoned ” is used to describe a person who is completely deaf and blind to everything but his favorite show on television.

村民更加关心的是伦敦来的消息、粮食的收成或教堂的闲聊,而对燕子奇特的叫声和身影却听而不闻、视若无睹。Just the odd sound and sight, invisible to the unfocused villager more concerned with news from London or with the harvest or church gossip.