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他自告奋勇当这次会议的特派记者。He volunteered as special correspondent for the conference.

“我们会坚守长城到剩最后一个人”卡特派克说道。"We'll defend the Wall to the last man, " said Cotter Pyke.

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他在该特派团圣卡洛斯教堂地板埋所有总部。He was buried in the floor of the Mission San Carlos Church.

特派记者说两人将面临最高20年的监禁。Correspondents say the men could face up to 20 years in jail.

FC2的将有很大的要求特派团的规划接口。FC2 will feature the much requested Mission Planner interface.

有关各方应继续支持联科特派团开展工作。Parties concerned should continue to support the work of UNMIK.

非盟索马里特派团在2007年后期组建,一年后正式运作。AFRICOM was created in late 2007 and formally activated a year later.

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最初派遣了蹩脚的领导人去那里运作警力不足的警察特派团。Duff leaders were sent at first to run the inadequate police mission.

随着安全环境的日益恢复,特派团存在的理由也变得更加含混。With security broadly restored, Minustah's raison d'être became fuzzier.

联合国驻海地特派团报道称有“一大批”联合国工作人员在地震中失踪。A "large number" of UN personnel were reportedmissing by the organisation.

哈特派是北美现今存在的最古老的公有制团体之一。The Hutterites are one of the oldest communal groups in North America today.

他们是调查这类事情的特派记者。We are going to put Comrade Zhuang in for the post of special correspondent.

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最后还以贵宾待你,特派直升机去接你,你又不赏脸。Finally, a VIP question you, pick up your mission helicopter, you are not he.

在此期间,天主教会试图让各特派团的控制权。During this period, the Catholic Church tried to keep control of the missions.

政府将不定期地安排特派团巡视主要的石油化学港口。Special teams will be sent occasionally to patrol at major oil and chemical ports.

特派专员贝兹说,最近的一个受害者被发现时,他的嘴唇已被缝在一起。Special agent Baez says one recent victim was found with his lips padlocked together.

由联合国行动接管非盟特派团,是非盟所做的原则决定。Transition from AMIS to a UN-led operation is a decision in principle made by the AU.

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也是证监会的责任,该特派团的最终目标。Three and is also the responsibility of the SFC , and the ultimate goal of the mission.

从各方面来说,联稳团都是迄今世界上最大的联合国特派团,既然如此,又怎么会发生这样的事件?How could it happen when Monusco is by many measures the largest UN presence in the world?

耶稣基督的仆人保罗,奉召为使徒,特派传神的福音。Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.