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我宁愿待在家里。I'd rather stay home.

所以有些人宁愿不去医院。Some prefer not to go.

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我宁愿听歌。I would prefer singing.

我宁愿自己做这件事。I prefer to do it myself.

这我宁愿不愿骑车。I prefer waling to riding.

是的,这使人们有工作做,但我宁愿到这里来垒土。Yes, it gives people work.

我就宁愿以6比0获胜了。I would rather have won 6-0.

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我宁愿待在家里。I would rather stay at home.

那么你宁愿旅居海外啦?。So you prefer living abroad?

为什么不宁愿被亏负?Why not rather be defrauded?

但我宁愿享受自己的生活。But I’d rather enjoy my life.

我宁愿吃鲜猪肉,不愿吃腊肉。I prefer fresh pork to bacon.

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我宁愿待在家里。I would as soon stay at home.

我宁愿自己来做这些工作。I'd rather do the work myself.

我宁愿待在办公室。I'd rather stay in the office.

我宁愿相信若然的话。I prefer to believe that if so.

我宁愿空蓝色的也不愿穿粉红色的。I'd rather wear blue than pink.

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不,谢了,我宁愿去掌管伊拉克。No thanks. I‘d rather run Iraq.

包伯宁愿独自读书。Bob prefers to study by himself.

我宁愿我没说过那话。Would rather not have said that.