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他荣膺赛区冠军后进入决赛。He won the regional laurels and went on to the finals.

这已是亚当•桑德勒连续第二年荣膺该奖。It was the second year running that Sandler had taken the Razzie.

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同时,福特新款探路者SUV荣膺“北美年度卡车”奖。Meanwhile, Ford's redesigned Explorer SUV was named Truck of the Year.

晚上他荣膺职业球员工会年度最佳球员,我们的第一个。He then wins the PFA Player of the Year award, the first player to achieve it.

拉夫堡大学近日再次荣膺由学生投票选出的英国最佳大学。Loughborough has again topped a student poll to find the UK's best university.

2005年,她在法国佩皮尼昂荣膺“富士新锐摄影师”称号。And in 2005, she was honored as a Fuji Young Photographer in Perpignan, France.

过去荣膺此奖项的校友,大多数都在各校友会中扮演过重要的角色。Most of the previous winners played pivotal roles in their alumni associations.

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荣膺4次世界冠军和1次奥运冠军。She is four times world champion and one time Olympic champion in the moguls event.

这部根据C·克拉克的短篇故事改变的电影最终荣膺了奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。The film, based on a short story by Arthur C. Clarke, won an Oscar for visual effects.

凭借二月份的卓越状态,劳尔·梅雷莱斯日前荣膺了两项月度最佳奖项。Raul Meireles's excellent form in February has been rewarded with two monthly accolades.

2001年,山海关区又荣膺国家历史文化名城称号。In 2001 Shanhaiguan Pass district won the title of national historical and cultural town.

在这个伟大的节日里,84位在华工作的外国专荣膺中国国家“友谊奖”。On this memorable day, 84 foreign experts working in China were honored the FriendshipAward.

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荣膺2008-2009赛季最佳新秀的闪耀表现只是罗斯青云直上的一个开始。A stellar 2008-2009 Rookie of the Year season was just the beginning of a meteoric rise for Rose.

Elle时尚大奖颁奖典礼日前在英国伦敦北部举行,流行天后麦当娜荣膺时尚人物大奖。Queen of pop Madonna has been crowned top style icon at the Elle Style Awards in Northern London.

埃杜是第一个在英超联赛中及荣膺英超冠军又取得足总杯冠军的巴西人。Edu is the first Brazilian player in England to have won both the Premiership title and the FA Cup.

2月27日,我公司作为本地唯一一家荣膺此荣誉的企业于正式授牌。February 27, my company as the only one awarded this honor local businesses in the formal awarding.

我们的产品先后荣膺API认证、挪威船级社ISO9001质量体系认证等专业资质。Our products have consecutively won API certification and DNV ISO9001 quality-system certification.

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2001年依靠两座冠军奖杯以及英格兰在慕尼黑对阵德国的比赛中的帽子戏法荣膺当年的欧洲足球先生。European Footballer of the Year in 2001 after two winning cup finals and England hat-trick in Munich

皮特曾两次获奥斯卡提名,四次金像奖提名并一次荣膺。Pitt has received two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one.

弗兰最终获得本届世界杯金靴奖,他也成为了第四个荣膺世界杯金靴的拉美球员。Forlán is the fourth Latin American player that receives the Golden Ball in FIFA World Cup tournament.