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他的事务处于一团乱。His affairs are in a mess.

他们讨论过外交事务。They debated on foreign affairs.

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今天由你来处理事务,阿拉冈。You manage affairs today, Algrim.

协助处理公司行政事务。Cooperate to handle clerical work.

然后我们回滚这个事务。Then we rollback this transaction.

他们插手他国政府的事务。They fiddled in other governments.

此函数包装一个事务。This function wraps a transaction.

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高级市政官在市议会主持事务。Alderman sat in municipal councils.

使用容器管理的事务。Use container-managed transactions.

在重大家庭事务中我没有发言权。I have no say in big family affairs.

就这些事务而言,将有更多信息流露出来。More will come out on these affairs.

首相管理国家事务。The Prime Minister guides the state.

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日常事务烦死人了。The daily routine bores me to death.

剧院的事务,人员的辖管。Theatre business, management of men.

但她对政府内部事务也颇有野心。But she also had ambitions within it.

它都是关于国际援助的事务。and it's all about international aid.

在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。He remained a mouse in public affairs.

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分布式事务中的保存点Savepoints in distributed transactions

教会的收入来自世俗事务。Temporals provided the church's revenue.

联合事务特遣队做些什么呢?What does the interagency task force do?