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当我喜欢你的时候,我看谁都像情敌。When I love you when I see who are like.

你有没有告诉过他你更爱他的情敌?。Did you tell him you preferred his rival?

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别幻想她光着身子的样子。全民情敌片尾曲。Don't be wondering what she looks like naked.

那你的情敌会安然入睡,而他的女人已然自由。Your enemy is sleeping, and his woman is free.

要命的是得花力气寻找配偶,还要击退情敌。There is the problem of finding a mate, and fighting off rivals.

对于女性而言,情敌的长相和魅力是最让她们忌妒的因素,而中等身高的女性的妒忌心没那么强烈。For women, what counted most in jealousy was the rival's looks and charm, but these

埃德加回来了,但因为妻子病了,他的注意力在她身上而没有过多的关注他的情敌。Edgar returns but, with Cathy very ill, he is more concerned with her than his enemy.

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一天她飞下奥林波斯山向情敌施加报复。Hera became so greeneyed that she flew down from Olympus one day to pay her rival back.

也是,女婿和老丈人本来就是情敌。Is likewise, son-in-law ugg short age father-in-law were originally antagonistic in loves.

比利时检控官为大家讲述了Clottemans怎样剪断了她的情敌主要和备用降落伞的绳索。Belgian prosecutors showed how Clottemans had cut the cords to the main and reserve chute of her rival.

面对社会背景强大的或是人高马大的情敌时,他们比那些身材娇小或高挑的女性更容易眼红。Faced with socially or physically powerful rivals they actually felt more jealous than shorter or taller women.

你对他说,但是上次给你留电话的男人都已经把我当成情敌了,对我的态度总是不好。You said to him, but the last to leave you telephone man have regarded me as a rival, attitude to me is not good.

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这两个女人曾经是情敌,让她俩同居一室是不明智的,她们彼此都生对方的气。The two women used to be rivals in love. It isn't wise to let them share the same room. They get in each other's hair.

然而通过赋予于他情敌和战争,他把蝙蝠侠的黑暗力量从内心转移到了外部世界。Yet by giving him rivals in love and war, he has also shifted Batman’s demons from inside his head to the outside world.

然而也有一项研究显示,女性比男性更容易针对情敌采取嫉妒性行为。One study, however, revealed that women would be more likely to aim jealous behavior at a rival, rather than their partner.

研究结果发现,男人通常在面对强壮、富有和有吸引力的对手时感到紧张和嫉妒,而女性则容易嫉妒貌美有魅力的情敌。Men generally felt the most nervous about strong, rich and attractive rivals. For women, it was the rival's looks and charm.

人类学家近日宣称,女性可通过其他女性的音调高低来判断情敌对自己构成的威胁大小。Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed.

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齐林沃斯将所有的精力都投注到了他的情敌牧师身上,因此牧师的死使得齐林沃斯失去了生存的意义。Chillingworth pours all his energy into his rival, the minister, so the death of Dimmesdale makes him lose the meaning of life.

为什么经历了那么多的同生共死,那么长时间的万里征战,我的情敌居然是一个女人!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why has gone through so much with the death of a total of Health, Wan Li's campaign for a long time, my rival is actually a woman!

你不可娶一女人又娶她的姊妹,做她的情敌,在她活著的时候,揭露她姊妹的下体。Thou shalt not take thy wife's sister for a harlot, to rival her, neither shalt thou discover her nakedness, while she is yet living.