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我们如何能够改善通勤之旅呢?How can we ease commutes?

它将改善机动性。It will improve mobility.

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毛孔粗大如何改善?How to improve large pores?

有效改善静脉曲张。Good at restrain vena swell.

改善员工士气“to improve employee morale."

我可以通过改错改善学习。I can learn from my mistakes.

它能改善你的社交生活。It improves your social life.

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改善你的客户服务?Improve your customer service?

改善IQC的工作效率。Improve IQC working efficiency.

我们的行政机制也在改善。We also got better bureaucracy.

改善你的呼吸技巧。Refine your breathing technique.

怎么样才能改善睡眠?。How can ability improve Morpheus?

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改善噗浪输入法表现。Improved Performance Plurk Input.

我们都希望改善我们的生活。We all want to improve our lives.

这样就改善了用户体验。This improves the user experience.

改善安全性和审核能力。Improved security and auditability.

杏仁被认为能改善记忆力。Almond is believed to improve memory.

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胆碱能够帮助改善您的记忆力。Choline can help improve your memory.

都邑怎样能力改善生活?How can cities make life even better?

我绝不认为这对米有任何改善。I can't say it improved the rice any.