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以前的武人,如今的自由作家。Before he, now free of the writer.

我们住在武人街。We live in the Rue de l'Homme Arme.

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我们还是住在武人街。We are still in the Rue de l'Homme Arme.

在此种场合下,太尉是作为武人的尊称。In such occasions, Qiu as Taketo the honorific.

他们到达武人街时天已完全黑了。They had arrived in the Rue del'Homme Arme after night had fully fallen.

武人执之如握锤戟,划空击案,慷慨激昂。Taketo enforcement of such grip hammer Ji, zoned air-strike case, impassioned.

武人在文人的帮助之下建设有中西合璧的私家园林。Warlords built private gardens in Chinese and west styles with literary' help.

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武人在文人的帮助之下建设有中西合璧的私家园林。Warlords built private gardens in Chinese and west styles with literatus' help.

摘要日本之武人,自古以来坚守武士之道德,称之为武士道。The " samurai " , a warrior of japan since old times observe the samurai moral , it ' s called " bushido "

自古以来,文人与武人的征服方式,就根本不同。Ever since the ancient times the literati and warriors had conquered the world in drasticly different ways.

冉阿让迁到武人街不久,他的焦急心情便已减轻,并且一步一步消失了。Hardly had Jean Valjean reached the Rue del'Homme Arme when his anxiety was lightened and by degrees dissipated.

中国一向就少有失败的英雄,少有韧性的反抗,少有敢单身鏖战的武人。In 19, China has always failed on the very few heroes, few tough resistance, few dare to single fierce battle ending.

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内争的重要影响是分裂与亡国,是武人政治的延续,体制演进的阻滞。The consequence of the inner struggle was the disruption of the state, the continuation of the army-men politics, and.

她曾打发妮珂莱特到武人街去过两三次,问问让先生旅行回来了没有。Two or three times she despatched Nicolette to inquire in the Rue de l'Homme Arme whether M. Jean had returned from his journey.

然而,中央权威在875年以后的衰落,立即导致武人权力的膨胀,文官精英的衰落。The decline of the central authority after 875, however, suddenly caused an expansion of military power at the expense of the civil elite.

他常带着珂赛特,时而在武人街,时而在西街,住上一个月或六个星期,让杜桑留在家里。He went from time to time, now to the Rue de l'Homme Arme, now to the Rue de l'Ouest, to pass a month or six weeks, without taking Toussaint.

他仍住在武人街,下不了决心离开珂赛特居住的地区。He still lived in the Rue de l'Homme Arme, because he could not make up his mind to remove to a distance from the quarter where Cosette dwelt.

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在六月五日这天的前夕,冉阿让在珂赛特和杜桑的陪同下迁到了武人街。On the evening preceding this same 5th of June, Jean Valjean, accompanied by Cosette and Toussaint had installed himself in the Rue del'Homme Arme.

北方中国的武人执政的六十年里,职业军人掌控决策并且使他们的政权代表武人的利益。Sixty years of military dominance in North China ensued as professional soldiers controlled decision-making and gave their regimes a military orientation.

在951年之后,由于武人官僚逐渐接受儒家的原则与实践,政府的取向则由武人向文人专变。As military officials were to acculturate Confucian principles and practices after 951, the government's orientation shifted from the military to the civilian side.