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谨慎计划。Plan prudently.

他嘱咐要谨慎行事。He enjoined caution.

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请谨慎使用链接。Use links with care.

汤母是个细心谨慎的人。Tom is a prudent man.

谨慎地使用副词。Use adverbs sparingly.

谨慎小心会导致忧心忡忡。Wise care begets care.

提供建议需谨慎。Be careful with advice.

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这件事要谨慎保密的。This matter is hush-hush.

然而,谨慎是必须的。Caution is needed, however.

他是谨慎的化身。He is prudence personified.

我曾暗示他的不谨慎。I hinted at his imprudence.

你必须谨慎的选择。You have to pick carefully.

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她的谨慎只是枉费心机。Her caution was thrown away.

他们讲话的语气谨慎平静。The mood is discreetly calm.

但是马克还是不够谨慎。But Mark was not so cautious.

谨慎引用变量。Quote variables with caution.

谨慎和勤奋,才能抓住机运。Care and diligence bring luck.

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慢慢地并谨慎地做事。Do it slowly and deliberately.

守时,老练,谨慎。Punctual, diplomatic, careful.

谨慎和勤奋才能捉住机遇。Care and dilligence bring luck.