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这场汇演是里夫斯的心血结晶。The festival was the brainchild of Reeves.

这次的“贺新春杂技汇演”真是有意义啊!This " new acrobatic show" is really meaningful!

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但我认为这是显而易见的,它们想在百脑汇演唱而已。But I think it's obvious. They want to sing on Broadway.

周年汇演之日期及演出地点,将于稍后公布。The date and venue of the Annual Concert will be announced later.

伊藤晴香与几个少年少女的武术汇演在2006青少年文化…Wushu Performance of Ito Haruka & several kids in Youth Festival 2006.

目前,在中心的大汇演是奶酪查看所有的荣耀。There in the center of the display was Roquefort cheese in all its glory.

海关路幼儿园“童心飞扬、唱响六一”合唱汇演现在开始!The June first performance of our Customs Road Kindergarten, now has begin.

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小编熊仔今晚将从这个绝佳角度观赏香港国庆烟花汇演!Admin Bear will get a great view of Hong Kong harbor for the fireworks tonight.

苹果幼儿园文艺汇演暨第十三届毕业典礼晚会即将开始。Apple kindergarten Arts Festival and the thirteenth graduation ceremony evening is about to begin.

为庆祝中华人民共和国61周年国庆,维多利亚港上空将举行华丽璀璨的烟花汇演。Join the huge crowds and celebrate China's 61st birthday with a glittering harbour fireworks display.

这次的全国残疾人艺术汇演分为器乐、蹈、乐等。This national handicapped person art festival comprises instrument, dance and vocal music performances.

阿浓雾平息城市-减少威胁计划战斗机天桥和烟花汇演。A heavy fog lay over the city& threatening to diminish the planned fighter jet flyovers and fireworks display.

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阿浓雾平息城市-减少威胁计划战斗机天桥和烟花汇演。A heavy fog lay over the city — threatening to diminish the planned fighter jet flyovers and fireworks display.

唐山皮影剧团还多次参加全国的艺术节和汇演,多次荣获奖励。Tangshan shadow play troupe also has participated in the National Arts Festival and the display has won the award.

在尖沙咀文化中心一带海滨欣赏维多利亚港夜景及幻彩咏香江多媒体灯光音乐汇演是游香港不可缺少的香港观光项目。You cannot miss to enjoy the Victoria Harbor night view and A Symphony of Lights from Tsim Sha Tsui Cultural Center.

已列入健力士世界纪录,成为全球「最大型灯光音乐汇演」。"A Symphony of Lights" has been awarded the world's "Largest Permanent Light and Sound Show" by Guinness World Records.

最高的一座山有550米高,就连汇演中心也可以拥有观景的角度。And the major mountain is about 550m high. Also in the performance centre there are still views towards the Victoria Bay.

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纯英语浸泡、结交朋友,享受课间水果茶点、参加英语汇报汇演或外出郊游,这,便是我在平和的学习生活。Learning English, Making friends, enjoying the banana and attending the presentation, or go outing are major life in GLV.

每个关闭富山湾,日本,这些微小的鱿鱼十亿海岸年将聚集产卵,创造一个凉爽的灯光汇演。Each year off the coast of Toyama Bay, Japan, billions of these tiny squids will gather to spawn, creating a cool light show.

在此,我们真诚的欢迎您和您的团队,莅临永济交流汇演,旅游观光,永济人民欢迎您!At this, our sincerity of welcome you and your team, coming Yongji exchanges remit to play, tour sightseeing, people of Yongji welcome you!