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男女老幼齐动手。Men and women, old and young, all pitched in.

它的品性温和,不凉不燥,男女老幼皆宜。Its mild, not cold but not dry, young and old Safe.

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男女老幼、警察和消防员注视着,哭泣。Men and women, cops and fire fighters watched and wept.

是临床上常见的病症,发病广泛,男女老幼皆可罹患。The person of all ages and both gender may have that symptom.

一般说来,男女老幼各种人都要穿短袜。Socks are commonly worn by people by men and women old and young.

一般说来,男女老幼各种人都要穿短袜。Socks are commonly worn by people, by men and women, old and young.

周末斗士行为对男女老幼都会产生伤害。Weekend-warrior injuries can hit men and women, both young and old.

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这学校对所有人都开放,男女老幼,穷人富人。The school is open to all the people , old and young, rich and poor.

全体村民,男女老幼都来欢迎来访的客人了。All the villagers, old and young , man and woman, came to welcome the visitors.

在北京,无论男女老幼都很关心并积极参与其中,96岁高龄的李淑芬就是其中一员。People in Beijing are preparing for its coming. 96 year old Li Shufen is one of them.

对我们每个人,无论男女老幼,这篇文章都给予了一种启示,教我们如何去美好的生活。It sends a message about how to live beautifully to men and women, old and young alike.

游泳运动是男女老幼都喜欢的体育项目之一。The swimming movement is one which of sports items the male and female old and young like.

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节日期间,不分男女老幼、高低贵贱都要斋戒。During the festive season, regardless of men, women and children, high and low or low to be fast.

无论是男女老幼,没有东西比身心健康重要。Young or old, male or female. There is nothing more important than good health and general wellbeing.

凯利今年66岁,他在1968年造成500名越南男女老幼死亡的大屠杀中受到22项犯罪指控。Calley, 66, was convicted on 22 counts of murder for the 1968 massacre of 500 men, women and children in Vietnam.

顾客的价值观念不见得跟我们的相同,何况顾客还分男女老幼。Customer values is not necessarily the same with us, not to mention the customer is also sub -men , women and children.

亚历山大勃然而怒,声明除非交还比塞弗勒斯,否则他会把马甸人不管男女老幼一律杀光。Alexander was furious, and declared that if the horse were not returned, he would kill every single Mardian, irrespective of age and sex.

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假定我们想象地球上的男女老幼加在一起的重量有整个星球一样重。Suppose we imagine that there are so many men and women and children in the world that altogether they weigh as much as the whole planet does.

走穿许多黄土铺地的大街小巷,街上许多行人,男女老幼,都是“慢条斯理”地互相作揖、请安、问好,一站就站老半天。In the streets were a lot of pedestrians. Men and women, young and old were all bowing to each other and extending greetings in a leisurely way.

当卡扎菲及其武装开始从一个城镇到另一个城镇暴力镇压那里的男女老幼时,全世界拒绝袖手旁观。And when Qaddafi and his forces started going city to city, town by town, to brutalize men, women and children, the world refused to stand idly by.