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你用的削球不和。You didn't use the slice a lot.

注意他的反手削球。Pay attention to his backhand chop.

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削球不会困扰一个好的网球选手。That is a nice device for sharpening logs.

削球稳且反攻凶狠。Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

可你今晚没用多少削球。Q. But you didn't use the slice a lot tonight.

但他的削球同其他选手的削球有很大的不同。But this chopping is quite different from other choppers.

全面型的削球打法是削球发展的趋势。The all-round chop is a developmental trend of this method.

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他的削球总是能让他及时回位。Because of his slice, it always gets him back in the rallies.

要打出有攻击性的削球需要有很优秀的技巧。It takes excellent technical skills to play back a slice aggressively.

贝尔蒂奇对你的削球和速度变化束手无策。Q. Berdych was having some problem with your slice and change of speed.

削球指轻轻的一球,通常用来对付靠网的对手。A chip is a soft shot usually used against an opponent who is at the net.

球员现在能根据情况扭球,转球,削球。Players can now curve , shank and slice the ball depending on the situation.

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削球在乒乓球和网球比赛中是很常见的击球技术之一。In advanced table tennis we often see player hit the ball from below the table.

我刚看到你把休伊特好好修理了一顿,为什么你的反手削球这么有效呢?Just saw you beat up Hewitt. Why is your backhand slice so effective against everybody?

我想可能是因为在我小的时候经常削球,现在终于练成了。I reckon it is because I played the slice very often as a small boy already and now this is paying off.

拉攻战术是快攻打法对付削球类打法的主要战术。Pull attacking tactics is quick attack hits a law to cope with snick kind the main tactics that makes a way.

介绍一种在车床上使用的半自动车削球面装置的结构和工作原理。A new semi-automatic spherical surface machining device is presented. Its structure and working principle are involved.

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我看最大的冷门是世界头号选手比利时的赛弗被中国新手丁松的削球所淘汰。I think the biggest upset so far is that Saive of Belgium, No. 1 in the world was chopped down by China's newcomer Ding Song.

当你改变速度时,贝尔蒂奇对你的削球和速度变化束手无策,你为什么还要使用大力击球的方法。Q. Berdych was having some trouble with the slice and change of speed when you did change speeds, yet you chose to keep hitting hard.