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日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。Halo around the sun or moon , rain or snowsoon.

“日晕”是一种正常的天气现象,多出现在春夏季节。"Corona" is a normal weather phenomenon, and more appear in the spring and summer.

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4月26日,中国西南部贵州省安顺市出现日晕景观。A solar halo view appears in Anshun city, southwest China's Guizhou Province, April 26, 2011.

淡出严密仿效日晕的形式,被观察在火光的同时。The fadeout follows closely the pattern of the solar flare, being observed at the same time as the flare.

上面显示的那张照片,是在一座建筑物后面窥视太阳时所拍摄的,带有一个22度的日晕弧在围绕着太阳闪耀。Shown above is a photo of the sun peeking from behind a building, with a 22-degree solar halo arc shining around it.

此外,由于这些小水滴对阳光的折射作用,才会有晚霞朝晖、闲云迷雾、彩虹日晕等气象万千的自然景色。In addition, because these small droplets of sunlight refraction effect, will have a sunset cloud, mist, rainbow sun Zhaohui, majestic and grand scenery.

气象专家解释,日晕并不一定是下雨征兆,是否下雨,还要看是否具备其它天气条件。Meteorologists explained that the corona is not necessarily a sign of rain, whether it rains, we should consider whether weather conditions have the other.

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据科学家们说,这种奇特的现象叫日晕或者叫“假太阳”。它是由云里的冰晶体折射所形成的。The special phenomenon, according to scientists, is a solar halo, or "mock sun", which results from the refraction of ice crystal particles contained in clouds.

这些冰晶结合在一起就像是数百万枚微小的镜子一样,通过不同表面的外部反射和内部反射后形成了不同半径的日弧和日晕。These ice-crystals act together like millions of miniature ice mirrors, with external and internal reflections from different faces creating arcs and halos of different radii.

据悉,这种围绕太阳的光环与观测者形成的角度为22度,故被气象部门工作人员成为“22度日晕”,而雷亚兹也成了捕捉到这种罕见景象的少数人之一。Weather officials call it a "22 degrees halo" because of its circular formation of 22 degrees around the sun. Rayez is one of a few to have captured one of these rare sights on camera.