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“爱国精神是石器时代的遗俗。”科格兰温和地说。"A relic of the stone age, " declared Coglan, warmly.

或者仅仅是某种没有恶意的古代异教遗俗?Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?

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这样的单一改革会经过漫长的道路,才会把间谍法案这一法律遗俗带进信息时代。This simple reform will go a long way toward bringing this legal relic into the information age.

据某些专家的考证,握手是石器时代穴居人留下的一种遗俗。According to some experts to research, the handshake is left of the Stone Age cave dwellers who left a vulgar.

此俗近现代各地多已消失,平湖、海盐一带仍保留遗俗,称做社,亦名结社。More places in this modern and contemporary folk has disappeared, Pinghu, Haiyan area still retains relic, called Club, Yiming association.

至今新疆的一些少数民族都还程度不同地保留着原始宗教和萨满教的观念及遗俗。Even today, some minority peoples in Xinjiang still adhere, to different degrees, to some of the concepts and customs characteristic of these beliefs.

海明威自幼熟知奥杰布华文化,这一特点使其作品在人物刻画、主题描写、创作手法以及叙事结构上表现出“部落遗俗”风格。This makes the style of the tribal legacy shown in the character description, theme, creative method and the story structure in Hemingway s short stories.

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苗族的哭婚作为一种民族文化的产物,是母权制残余不断反抗父权制的一种遗俗。The crying marital custom of Miao people as the product of the ethnic culture, reflects the remains of the system governed by woman kept fighting against the one governed by man.

流传在今东北民间的跳神活动一方面作为萨满教的遗俗,一方面新的时代赋予了它新的意义。It concludes the forms of speak, sing, dance and music. The dance to god spreading in the northeast one hand is the traditional custom, on the other hand , it is endowed a new era meaning.

在此情形之下,任何一个层次上高于人类早期遗俗的宗教,都必须能够以一种既令人信服又富有意义的方式,应对这个挑战的双重侧面。In this situation, any religion which is to emerge as more than a relic from humanity's adolescence must be able to deal, in a convincing and meaningful manner, with both sides of the challenge.