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所以开诚布公的共同面对这些数据。So face these numbers together, openly and honestly.

我们吸取的教训是,我们必须开诚布公的谈论这个问题。The lesson of that was that we have to talk about it.

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开诚布公的告诉你的伴侣你为什么生气。Be open with your partner about what's making you angry.

我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。I wish a open conversation to put all cards on the table.

昨天晚上我和他对这个话题开诚布公地谈了谈。I had aman-to-man talk with him about the problem last night.

你无法控制,而开诚布公比遮遮掩掩效果更好。You can't control, and revelation works better than concealment.

我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。I hope everyone talk frankly and openly to deal with the question.

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我们双方只有开诚布公来谈才能达成协议。We can only reach agreement if we both put our cards on the table.

我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。I wish everybody speak frankly and sincerely , put all cards on table.

我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。I hope eve4rybody should be honest and put up all question on the table.

你应该开诚布公地与同事们探讨你的新角色以及如何融入团队。Be open with your colleagues about your roleand how it fits into the group.

开诚布公的理财交流能使你的婚姻生活更顺利。Open communication about your finances will help your marriage be successful.

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他个人职业生涯中的目标与动机都非常开诚布公地告诉了我们。He was very open about his motivation about his goals in life with his career.

这些创造者都不完美,而且,开诚布公的说,我认为他们并不在乎这些。These creators are by no means perfect, and, frankly, I don't think they care.

我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。I hope that we can be be fair to each other, and take about the issues clearly.

咱们在会谈时都要保持开诚布公。我希望你不像你大哥桑儿那样头脑容易发热,跟他无法谈正经事。I hope you're not a hothead like your brother Sonny. It's impossible to talk business with him.

同时,苏岚和马跃开诚布公,马跃承诺,如果自己再做对不起家庭的事儿,就净身出户。Su Lan and jump open, jump commitment, if do it again Im sorry my family, just clean body leave home.

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如果你们对公司有什么不满,一定开诚布公,跟上司反映。If you are unhappy with the company, please reflect your opinions to your supervisor with an openmind.

首先,阿赫罗梅耶夫担心开诚布公给苏联声誉造成的损害比继续撒谎要大。First, Akhromeev feared that honesty would do more damage to Soviet credibility than continuing to lie.

通往开诚布公更深境界之路往往是不平坦的,然而,你一旦达到,一切付出都是值得的。The process of reaching a deeper level of honesty is often bumpy, but once you arrive, it's well worth it.