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多形体纸卷将被保留。Polymorph scrolls will be kept.

等等,你说的关于我妈妈的事又把我搞糊涂了,她再也不会回到物质形体中了吗?never return again to physical form?

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模具看作刚体,板料作为变形体。The blank is modeled as a deformable body.

人类形体服务于道内许多意图。Human form serves many purposes within the Tao.

这不仅限于跑步时,而是时时刻刻都要注意保持好的形体。Not just when you're running, but all the time.

以扩张的形体和温柔的眼神把你们守望。With dilated form and lambent eyes watch'd you.

我探询这些形体的机理。I inquired about the mechanism of these figures.

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不可分者乃无在不在的存在和你自己的形体。Inseparate are omnipresent being and your own form.

VX机甲是非常轻装甲的变形体。The Chopper VX is a very lightly armored Transformer.

要给这个形体上色,需要贴图。To bring colour to this shape, texturing is required.

对女人来说,锻炼身体不仅仅是形体的问题。And women aren't the only ones with body image issues.

第五个戴着兜帽的形体,开始在马车上翻滚起来。The fifth hooded shape began to writhe atop the wagon.

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神的启示隐藏于外在的形体中。God is revealed in the hiddenness of the external form.

所作的这些陶艺品的造型很容易让人联想到人的形体。The ceramic forms made, relate easily to the human form.

作为形体的城市,界面无所不在,各具形象。City, as a shape, its interface is everywhere and various.

尤其适应于异形体、螺旋体等设备的保温隔热需要。It is especially applied in particular and gyratory shape.

当脓液离开时,灵魂就更容易锚定到形体中。As the pus leaves, soul more readily anchors into the form.

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这是为什么酱汤对提升形体有良好滋补的原因。This is why miso soup is a good tonic for an ascending form.

她的绘画已汇入形体抽象艺术的潮流中。Her artwork is in harmony in the tide of abstractive gesture.

当盖被闭合时,能看到形体的整个范围。The full extent of the form is visible when the lid is closed.