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代表团支援队成员正在架设营帐。Contingent Support Team was setting up the tents.

一位毛派女兵在营帐中。A female Maoist soldier sits in one of the group's camps.

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他把自己在营帐里看到的一切都告诉了阿喀琉斯。He told Achilles the sad condition of affairs at the camp.

他们把营帐解除后给犯人驱除虱子。They deloused the prisoners after they liberated the camps.

大理寺官员营帐,每人独立一帐。Great reason temple officials' tent, everyone neutral one debt.

一来到内斯特的营帐,普特洛克勒斯就看到玛卡翁和其他人都受伤了。Arriving at Nestor's tent, Patroclus saw Machaon and many others wounded.

他就走出营帐,她的泪水像决提的河水滚落下来,原来一切都是造化弄人。He went out of the camps, her tears like never mention water down, everything is fate.

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反华尔街团体成员誓言整个冬天都要在营帐中渡过。Members of the anti-Wall Street group have vowed to stay at the camp through the winter.

一面孙飞虎传令贼众后退一箭之地,扎下营帐。Sun Fei-hu gave orders to his men to retreat to the distance required and pitch tents there.

厨房必须安放在距离营帐至少100英尺的地方,而且,如果可能,靠近小溪或河流。Kitchens should be placed at least 100 feet from tent sites and, if possible, near streams or rivers.

敌对部落的战士游荡在阿里尔部落的营帐与市镇间的区域伺机进行突然袭击和领土扩张。Enemy tribesmen prowl the land between Ariaal encampments and town, intent on raids and territory expansion.

第二天,皮拉斯和法布里丘斯在营帐商谈,却叫人把一只全身披挂的大象牵到帐外,立在法布里丘斯身后。The next day, Pyrrhus had a fully armoured elephant placed outside the tent behind Fabricius as they talked.

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在他夜里回到营帐休息之时,犹太人从圣殿中突然冲出,袭击外面的阵地。After he had retired to his tent at night, the Jews, sallying from the temple, attacked the soldiers without.

站在阴森可怖的海滩上,我们凝望着从两侧将我们的营帐围绕起来的大海。Standing on the beach which looked grey and forbidding we stared our at the sea that surrounded the camp on two sides.

因此,采用代维业务外包成为电信行业综合营帐系统维护的主流模式。Therefore, uses the service outsourcing to become the telecommunication billing system maintenance's mainstream pattern.

营帐系统对原应用软件进行全面的改造,变成统一的数据库。The tent system carries on the overall transformation to the original application software, turn into a unified data base.

本文首先对某网络运营商现有的ISP和IPT计费与营帐系统进行了分析,指出了原系统的缺点。Firstly, the thesis analyses the existing billing and accounting system for ISP and IPT, points out some potential problems.

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回想过往,他们在旷野飘流期间,会幕一直放在全营的中心,被十二支派的营帐围着。During the wilderness wanderings, the Tabernacle had always been the centre of the camp with all the tribes camped around it.

回想过往,他们在旷野漂流期间,会幕一直放在全营的中心,被十二支派的营帐围着。During the wilderness wanderings , the Tabernacle had always been the centre of the camp with all the tribes camped around it.

手下刚退下,楚北捷出现在了祁老将军的营帐中,祁老将军问楚北捷就不怕自己一剑杀了他吗?Men just returned, Chu Beijie appeared in Qi Lao's camp, the old general Qi Chu asked Beijie afraid of his own sword and kill him?