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1999年,协会代表团赴美国展会考察、招展。In 1999, CTEA delegation visited JBL Professional in USA.

起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills

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金秋十月,国旗招展,举国同庆。Autumn in October, the national flag fluttering, national jubilation.

1999年,协会代表团赴美国展会考察、招展。In 1999, CTEA delegation visited some professional exhibitions in USA.

待到雾过时,不见花招展,唯有片片飞絮,层层落英。When the fog is obsolete, not see flowers fluttering, only pieces of flying catkins, layer upon layer having.

路边有大量的经幡随风招展,还有松散的石头堆砌的小塔,真是美景。It's nice to observe the numerous prayer flags moving with the wind and the many little towers of loose stones.

谁的阔条明星,冒着一夜炮火,依然锓风招展,在我军碉堡上?And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

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你看,只要每个人都像我刚才说的那样做了,展现在我们眼前的将是燕歌燕舞,彩旗招展,一派太平盛世。Look, if each of you has done what I have told you just now, what is unfolded before our eyes is a scene of prosperity with peace and harmony.

首先是前期统筹规划阶段的相关因子研究,包括选址、场地面积和组织招展方式。First of all, the relative factors of the early stage of overall planning including location, site area and organized breezing means, should be researched.

请参展企业将参展申请表、产品目录、企业法人营业执照及品牌注册证复印件发至组委会境外招商招展部。Please send the application form, product catalogs, a photocopy of the business license and trade mark registration certificate to the Organizing Committee.

而在城外的高坡上,两柄王旗在内中招展,一面是九翅玄鸟,一面是五趾青蟒。But outdoor the city lofty ascension up, two deal imperial criteria by inside recruit an exhibition, a side is nine wings Xuan bird, a side is 5 toe green Mang.

主办单位主要负责制定并实施展览方案和计划,组织招商招展。Host units shall mainly be responsible for the formulation and implementation of the exhibition schemes and plans and the organization for inviting businesses and exhibitors.

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主办单位将充分利用自身渠道优势和影响力,通过我驻外使馆经商机构,各国贸易促进机构、外医药行业组织及专业展览公司进行海外的招商招展推广。The two organizers are joining forces to promote the Healthplex through a strong global network of Chinese diplomatic missions, overseas associations and trade promotional counterparts abroad.

两面红十字旗立刻在新秋的轻风中招展,可是学校的侧门上并没有旗,原来移到潘先生家的大门上去了。Both Red Cross banners were soon fluttering in the light breeze of early autumn but neither of them was near the school's back entrance. The second banner had been placed over Mr. Pan's own door.