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为她感到高兴?Happy for her?

我实在是太高兴了!I was so happy!

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很高兴见到你。Glad to meet you.

很高兴见到你.Great to see you.

我是非常高兴的。I’m very pleased.

他临死还是挺高兴的He's happy though.

我真是为你高兴。I am glad for you.

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你能来我太高兴了。I’m glad you came.

我应该高兴吗?Should I be happy?

是的,我高兴因为。Yes, I am because.

我将非常高兴I'll be very happy.

特德听了很高兴。"Ted was very glad.

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很高兴见到你,汤姆。Nice to see you,Tom.

看来你很不高兴.You look so unhappy.

你应该高兴才对。You should be happy.

很高兴见到你,小梅。Glad to meet you,May.

真高兴见到你,赖仔!Good to see ya, Lar'!

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我唱歌让她高兴。I sang to please her.

幸会。高兴见到你。I'm glad to meet you.

我很高兴见刭你。J am glad 10meet you.