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线装书竟用红铅笔划粗粗的线。Otherwise, I use a red pencil to draw heavy underlines.

线装书竟用红铅笔划粗粗的线。Thread-bound book was scribinged with red rough pencil line.

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这样的一本线装书就是在几位姑娘的巧手之下装订好的。A thread-sewn book has thus been bound by these adroit girls.

线装书竟用红铅笔划粗粗的线。Those thread-bound books were all marked with red thick line.

线装书竟用红铅笔划粗粗的线。Thread-bound books are painted with rough line by red pencil.

线装书竟用红铅笔划粗粗的线。经我看过的书,统计统体干净的很少。I marked on the book by a red pencil. I counted that the book I read rarely clean.

线装书竟用红铅笔划粗粗的线。经我看过的书,统计统体干净的很少。I used to mark thick lines on paper back book with red pencil. Few books I readed are clean.

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一匣匣线装书,都是龙彼得廿、卅年来苦心蒐罗的成果。Professor van der Loon 's numerous books are the fruits of twenty or thirty years of assiduous collecting.

但该书现存版本不多,均为繁体竖排线装书,一度鲜为人知,更缺乏对其系统的整理研究。But the existing edition of this book is not very popular, even short, saying nothing to the study on it in system.

最寂寥的时候,他甚至亲手描画了一册线装书来抒发自己故国相思的幽怨缠绵。In his lonesome hours, he even depicted a Chinese traditional String-bound book, an outlet for his homesickness possessing him all the time.

在书籍里面,我不能自抑地要喜欢那些泛黄的线装书,握着它就觉得握着一脉优美的传统,那涩黯的纸面蕴含着一种古典的美。I cherish a deep love for thread-bound Chinese book yellowed with age. They show me our most brilliant traditions as well as a kind of classical beauty.

在书籍里面,我不能自抑地要喜爱那些泛黄的线装书,握着它就觉得握着一脉优美的传统,那涩暗的纸面蕴含着一种古典的美。I cherish a deep love for thread-bound Chinese books yellowed with age. They show me our most brilliant traditions as well as a kind of classical beauty.

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惨亮的灯光下,她枯黄憔悴如同一册古老的线装书。The minute the door opened, I felt too stunned to open my mouth, staring at her scorched and toilworn face under the glaring lamp, as if an ancient thread-bound book.