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遗体,男性。Body, male.

男性还是女性?MorF Male or Female?

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这是一个男性神祇。This is a male deity.

当男性内衣模特儿?Model men's underwear?

男性的腋窝的味道很性感。Male armpit sex is sexy.

语言是男性主导的吗?Is language male-oriented?

刚健男性不再存在!There are no more of them!

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男性也可以练瑜伽。Men can also practice yoga.

受试者仅限男性。only men in this experiment.

释迦牟尼佛是男性至上主义者吗?Was the Lord Buddha a sexist?

话语以白人男性为主。Discourse is white male-based.

阴为女性,阳为男性。Yin is female and Yang is male.

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如今,歌舞伎也全是由男性出演。Today, Kabuki, too, is all-male.

吉本是一个聪明的白人男性。Gibbon was white, smart and male.

吉本是白人,既聪明,又是男性。Gibbon was white, smart and male.

当一群男性中盖亚什么特性好最杰出的一个。Being the best, in a group of men.

阿尔法男性的日子并不轻松。It isn't easy being an alpha male.

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显而易见,性行为对于男性来说正变的越来越廉价。Yes, sex is clearly cheap for men.

所以,体现了男性视角。And so, it assumes a male audience.

而对于男性来说,潜海是禁忌。Diving is considered taboo for men.