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为我的祖国雕塑英姿飒爽的形象。For my sculpture image of the motherland.

快乐的骑士在马上英姿飒爽。Full jolly knight he seemd, and faire did sith.

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现在,英姿飒爽的女子骑警队已经成为大连市的独特景观。Nowadays, women horseback police has become a unique sight of Dalian.

唉,平时看那些滑滑板车的个个都是英姿飒爽,轻盈如风。Alas, at ordinary times to watch the skateboard car all is spirited, light wind.

姐姐穿着军装迈着军步的样子还真是英姿飒爽。My sister is marching in her army suit looking very valiant and heroic in bearing.

一些研究表明,定期按摩刺激生产白细胞也有助于增加人体免疫力,按摩可以帮助你放松精神压力,按摩也可以帮助你提高精神能量,它也可能使你工作时更加朝气勃勃,英姿飒爽。Massage helps you relax and improve your mental energy. It may also make you more productive at work.

夏天到了,一天他由一群英姿飒爽的贵人护卫着,带着鹰犬骑马出发。When the summer was come he rode forth with hawk and hound, one day, in a brilliant company of his nobles.

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他们当中,身着深蓝色工作服、英姿飒爽的女性倩影无疑构成了一道独特的风景线。Among them all those striking young women in deep-blue uniforms undoubtedly made a distinctively beautiful scene.

本次年会,我们将带您重温健儿的英姿飒爽,感受鸟巢的独特匠心!Please do not regret, we will guide you to review the Olympic lettermen' show and experience the unique olympic nest bird.

第一个出场的是学前班的小朋友,他们一个个英姿飒爽,雄赳赳、气昂昂地迈着有力的步伐,向我们走来。The first appearance of the pre-school children, they are a , valiantly, full of dash and a strong pace of marching to us.

女排队员们英姿飒爽,正迈着矫健的步伐通过主席台。Being bright and brave, the members of the women's volleyball team are passing by the rostrum, walking in vigorous strides.

我们在军训中挥洒汗水,在运动会上英姿飒爽,在舞台上翩翩起舞,在合唱中惊天动地。We sweat in the military training, ran in the sports meeting, danced at the stage and sang at the top of our voices in the chorus.

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国王面露笑容,指着英姿飒爽的阿普舍龙兵团的官兵,把脸转向一位近臣,不知说了什么话。The Tsar turned with a smile to one of his courtiers, pointing to the gallant-looking Apsheron regiment, and said something to him.

她曾经拍过一百多部电影,从青春靓丽的玉女到英姿飒爽的女侠,每个形象都成为银屏的经典。She starred in more than one hundred movies, and her roles covert almost all the parts from young and beautiful girl to handsome woman warrior.

读者对警察这一形象评论称,堪与英姿飒爽的“角斗士”媲美,更是让人想到了网络游戏中的“圣骑士”。Readers commented that the image of the police, the worthy and valiant "Gladiator" comparable, it is reminiscent of the online game of "Holy Knights. "

然而正是在这个小山村里,一位三十来岁、英姿飒爽的年轻县长指挥着抗击国民党的游击战争。Nevertheless, it was from this village that the county magistrate, an extremely handsome man of about thirty, directed the guerrilla warfare against the Kuomintang.

刘建功带领石敢当到达八路军医院见到了玲珑,玲珑换上了一身八路军军装,扮相英姿飒爽。I dare LiuJianGong lead stone to the eighth route army hospital see the exquisite, and exquisite changed a suit the eighth route army uniform, bright and brave to discuss.

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但是常敬斋为了马帮兄弟安危,还是跟着三宝来到刘家寨,见到了刘一刀和他那个英姿飒爽心机深沉的女儿刘笑笑。But Chang Jingzhai caravan brothers in order to safety, or follow the sanbao came to liu village, met liu took a knife and his spirited all deep liu, the daughter of smile.

回首这短暂又漫长的六年生活,你们从稚嫩的孩童到英姿飒爽的少年,每一个变化都深深印记在我记忆的最深处。Looking back on this short-term and long life of six years, you have young children from the juvenile to every change in a deep imprint in the depths of my memory the most.

它在芭蕾舞台上破天荒地塑造了英姿飒爽的“穿足尖鞋”的中国娘子军形象,将芭蕾的精华与中国的气派融为一体,为世界芭蕾舞坛增添了一朵奇葩。It shaped a brilliant image of Chinese women army who wear toe shoes and intergrated the essence of ballet and Chinese-style, making itself a new fantacy on the world's ballet stage.