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月有盈亏圆缺。The moon waxes and wanes.

他们同意合伙干,共负盈亏。They agreed to work on shares.

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ZYX交易价高于盈亏平衡点。ZYX is trading above the breakeven point.

市场正是以盈亏来做到这一点的。The market does just that with its profits and losses.

资金之转投资及其盈亏之估计。Estimate of capital reinvestment and its profit and loss.

我们预计华电10年将亏损,11年盈亏平衡。We expect Huadian to record loss in FY10 and breakeven in FY11.

所有汇兑盈亏均计入损益账内。All exchange differences are dealt with in the profit and loss account.

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经营效益是每个保险公司都关心的问题,保险经营盈亏的关键是赔付率指标。The key of profit and loss for insurance business is claim ratio index.

太阳活动的盈亏周期大约是11年。Solar activity waxes and wanes according to approximately 11-year cycles.

早期研究表明,月亮盈亏与狮子的胖瘦负相关。And previous studies have found that the fatter the moon, the slimmer the lion.

淘宝网今年的营收预计增长逾一倍,并首次实现盈亏平衡。expects its 2009 revenue to double that of last year and to achieve break-even.

经营效益是每个保险公司都关心的问题,保险经营盈亏的关键是赔付率指标。Operating benefit is a problem that all of insurance company are concerned about.

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盈亏平衡分析是企业经营决策中的一个重要问题。The analysis of profit and loss is a vital problem for business management decision.

科学研究发现,一颗距离我们1500光年的炽热行星像月亮一样具有盈亏现象。A super-hot planet 1500 light years away has been seen waxing and waning like the moon.

自付盈亏课程学生不符合申请大学宿舍资格。Self-financial programme students are not entitled to the University hostel facilities.

这使得他们会不计盈亏的对公司竭心尽力。This motivates them to give their all to their companies, whether they make money or not.

运用定性分析方法,探讨完全垄断市场投资项目的盈亏平衡分析。By qualitative analysis, the break even equilibrium of items in monopoly will be explored.

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自从史前的年代,人们就开始通过月相观察月球的盈亏。Since prehistoric times, people have watched the moon waxing and waning through its phases.

由于承受产生帐本盈亏底线的压力,这些小组要求很快得到结果和快速回报。Charged with producing bottom-line results, these groups demanded quick results and fast paybacks.

准备了阶段盈亏评定表,并强调出超支预算的计划行动。Period P&L critiques are prepared, highlighting plans & actions for areas over budget for the period.