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请让产妇平躺在床上,不要用力。Please let her lie flat, and don't exert.

那位产妇发现是位陌生人,惊跳起来。The woman was startled to see a stranger.

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当称出黛西的体重时,连助产妇都震惊了。Even the midwife was shocked when she weighed Daisy.

目前,无论是中国大陆还是香港,医院的产科病房都被产妇订满了。Hospitals in mainland China and Hong Kong are also heavily booked.

产妇死亡率,每10万例活产婴儿的死亡人数,从1600人减少到1100人。Maternal mortality per 100, 000 births fell from 1, 600 to 1, 100.

同时可用于产妇和经血较多的妇女。Used for lying-in women and women who are suffering catamenia blood.

获得了产妇需求的趋势性资料。The information on the trend for lying-in woman's needs was acquired.

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产妇非常乐于接受村计生专干灵活的健康教育方式。Their active and flexible methods of health education were acceptable.

所以孙耀威与六月呼吁,真的要关心身边产妇的身心。Hence Eric and June called for our concern of pregnant women beside us.

改进护理服务措施后,产妇满意度较前有明显提高。The satisfaction was improved when the nursing service was ameliorated.

产妇产后吃炖母鸡,为什么会导致奶水不足呢?。Maternal post-natal stewing hens to eat, why would it lead to less milk?

主要的危险包括流产、子痫前症、糖尿病和产妇死亡。These include miscarriages, pre-eclampsia, diabetes, and maternal death.

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结果青岛市市立医院2004年全部住院分娩产妇病历中出生婴儿性别比为124∶100。Results Birth sex ratio in Qingdao municipal hospital in 2004 is 124∶100.

产妇摇摇头,朝孩子伸出手去。The patient shook her head, and stretched out her hand towards the child.

这些产妇应该如何克服产后恐惧症的出现呢?These mothers should be how to overcome fear of the emergence of post-it?

儿童死亡率与旨在改善产妇保健的千年发展目标5也密切相关。Child mortality is also closely linked to MDG 5 to improve maternal health.

由于月经不调,产妇和儿童保健医院的医生。Due to irregular menstruation, to maternal and child health hospital doctor.

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剖宫产产妇意识清醒的情况下行皮肤接触、早吸吮。Cesarean delivery of maternal conscious downward skin contact, early sucking.

经过产褥期的休息和调养,产妇一般都能自我感觉良好。After puerperium rest and nursed back to health, maternal generally feel good.

所以,那位产妇的主治医生对产妇的死亡可以视若无睹。Therefore, the doctor for the deceased woman could be so natural for her death.