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而这样,他无法透气。He can’t breathe.

在这儿我才能透透气!I can breathe here!

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需透气一小时。One hour of decanting.

丹,想出去透透气吗?Dan. You want to go get some air?

每两个小时下车透透气。Get out of the car every two hours.

让我们去绕绕透透气。Let's walk around and get some air.

为什么不打开窗子透透气?Why not open the window and air it?

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与一个完全缝密封透气。Breathable with a fully seamed seal.

你得先让酒透透气。You have to let that bottle breathe.

这件衬衫是全棉的,很透气。This shirt is all cotton. It breathes.

网上增加透气的舌头。Mesh on tongue for added breathability.

环环扣扣的这些连接让他难以透气。They make it harder for him to breathe.

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长期穿着舒适透气网眼衬里。Breathable mesh lining for long-wear comfort.

他就象他的透气的海洋一样变幻无常?That turns and changes like his draughty seas?

泡棉透气结构具有通爽作用。Air hole structure incorporating our airy effect.

我们可以出去散步吗,去透透气?Could we maybe go for a walk?Just to get some air?

在这一层之上,是防水透气的外层。Top this with a waterproof, breathable outer layer.

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裆内,弹力棉布料反面,透气,贴心。Crotch, stretch cotton fabric, breathable, intimate.

纸尿裤3打合身、透气。Disposable Diaper 3 Dz. Fits comfortable, ventilate.

有阳光的日子,让被子出去透透气。Let your quilt breathe some fresh air in a sunny day.