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缩写与略语在政治中屡见不鲜。Initials abound in politics.

一般缩写为“kr”。The common abbreviation is "kr".

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文本字符晦涩和缩写。Odd text characters and acronyms.

“借方”的缩写是“Dr.”。The abbreviation for debit is Dr.

Esquire可缩写成Esq.。Esquire can be abbreviated to Esq.

“贷方”的缩写是“Cr.”The abbreviation for credit is Cr.

履历表是否需要新的首字母缩写。Does your resume need new acronyms?

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当然,“let's”也是一种缩写。Of course "let's" is a contraction.

薄膜晶体三极管的缩写。Abbreviation of Thin Film Transistor.

“联合国”被缩写成UN两个字母。"Unite Nations" is abbreviated as UN.

甚至可以缩写Y或。N You can even abbreviate and put Y or N.

堪萨斯州的邮政缩写是KS。The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS.

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别名通常只是单纯的缩写。Most often, an alias abbreviates literals.

她把自己名字的缩写字母绣在一个手帕上。She worked her initials on a handkerchief.

此外,他开始使用缩写词。And, furthermore, he started to abbreviate.

她的名字缩写字母刻在纪念碑上。Her initials were enchased on the monument.

雅典卫城的缩写,是一种民主的象征。The Acropolis is the focal point of Athens.

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RRD是环形数据库的缩写。RRD is the acronym for Round Robin Database.

YOLO是“你只活一次”的英文首字母缩写。YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once".

上帝不准我把LOL设想为“许多爱”的英文缩写。God forbid I assume LOL means “lots of love”.