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这批货物昨天已从伦敦装船启运。The goods sailed yesterday from London.

货物今日业已启运,特此奉告。We are pleased to inform you that goods have been dispatched today.

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海运提单的开具日期将被认定为海运启运日期。The date of the bill of lading shall be considered the shipment time.

货物一启运,我方即向贵方开出即期汇票。When the goods are dispatched, we'll issue a sight draft against you.

客户将通过我们的订单确认函被通知启运的日期。Customers will be notified on the shipment date via our order confirmation.

第一批盆景将于今年十月初杰克先生来中国时选定,明年初春正式启运。Jack Sustic during his visit to China in October of 2010, and to be transported in next Spring.

货物已由“东风”号航轮启运,在青岛由“胜利”号航轮转运。The cargo has been shipped on s. s "Dongfeng" for transshipment at Qingdao onto s. s "Victory".

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在许多情况下,应通知买方在卖方将货物启运之时或之前安排验货。In many cases, the buyer shall be notified to go through the inspection of goods at or before the time of shipment.

我们在北京租了仓库,货将从北京启运汽车比火车更便利。The goods will be delivered from Beijing where we've rented a warehouse, say by trucks it's more convenient than by train.

是的.如果你能按我说的做.我们会尽早运给你们同样数量的对虾.货物可在明年一月时启运.Yes, I do.If you do as I`ve proposed,we`ll ship the same quantity to you as soon as possible, say, in early January next year.

当我们装满水管,钢材和其它必需品的40英尺集装箱从英国启运时,我想掏钱的日子该结束了吧。When our 40-ft container was shipped from the UK, containing pipes, steel and all necessities, I thought the paying days had ended.

后续的物资我们也正在和日本方面相应的磋商之中,会根据日方提出的需求来尽快落实启运。And we are discussing with the Japanese side, and will deliver the follow-up materials according to the needs of the Japanese side as soon as possible.

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对于贵方的合作,我方深表感谢并相信下月初启运的头批货物将定会令贵方十分满意。We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the first partial shipment which is to be effected early month will turn out to your complete satisfaction.

出口转关运输货物,应当适用启运地海关接受该货物申报出口之日实施的税率。For the exported goods in transit, the valid tariff rate of the day when the customs at the place of consignment accepts the declaration of such goods shall apply.

二是自公告发布之日起启运的来自墨西哥和美国疫区的猪及其产品,一律作退回或销毁处理。Second, the shipments of pig and pig products that depart Mexico and the epidemic area of the US since the day when the Notice is issued shall be returned or destroyed.

英国政府应该放弃其建造计划。1830年,在利物浦至曼彻斯特的火车启运时,一名政府人员因没有认出一列将到达的火车而被撞死。Britain's government should ditch its plan to build one AT THE launch of the Liverpool-Manchester railway in 1830, a statesman was killed when he failed to spot an approaching train.

运输易制毒化学品,运输人员应当自启运起全程携带运输许可证或者备案证明。In the transportation of precursor chemicals, the transportation personnel shall carry the transportation license or the archival filing certification along with them throughout the course.

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第一批物资已于3月14日在浦东机场启运,3月15日已经运到了重灾区宫城县,主要的物资包括帐篷、毛巾被和应急灯。The first batch of materials including coverlets, tents and emergency illumination devices were transported from Pudong airport on March 14, and had arrived on March 15 in the hard-hit Miyagi.