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我们将听取意见。We’ll listen.

我同意你的意见。I agree with you.

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这就是个的意见。This is my opion.

我不能接受这个意见。I couldn't see it.

所以,听取他们的意见。So listen to them.

那是我的意见。That’s my opinion.

这就是我的意见。This is my advice.

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他提出了他的意见。He anted up his ideas.

意见领袖。One , opinion cacique.

你的意见他同意了吗?Has he agreed with you?

我和你的意见一致。I sympathized with you.

我同意张红的意见。I agree with Zhang Hong.

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我坚持自己的意见。I maintained my opinion.

我会按照你的意见行事。I will do as you advise.

他赞同这些意见。He agrees with this idea.

他喃喃地说出了他的意见。He snuffled out his idea.

我完全赞成你的意见。I’m all for your opinion.

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它的意见算数么?Should its opinion count?

这是我最后的意见。This is my final comment.

还有别的意见吗?,罗杰?Another observation?Roger?