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转借、转让用户帐号的。Lending or transferring accounts.

用户帐号不得转借、转让。Accounts may not be lent or transferred.

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持卡者不能擅自转借、让、换会员卡。The holder does not lend or attorn card.

银行已经更加谨慎的把资金相互转借。The banks have even grown cagey about lending to each other.

有时他跟我和一些食物股票转借我一些书籍。And sometimes he shares some food with me and lends me some books.

有很多的中国产品都转借香港出口。Hong Kong handles a significant amount of exports being shipped out of China.

税务登记证件不得转借、涂改、损毁、买卖或者伪造。No tax registration certificate may be lent, altered, damaged, traded or forged.

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税务登记证件不得转借、涂改、损毁、买卖或者伪造。The tax registration certificates shall not be lent, altered, damaged, traded or forged.

当局从那些帐户上“临时转借”来的金钱必须要偿还。Money currently being "temporarily borrowed" from these accounts by the authorities must be repaid.

申请人须为大埔宝马山之住客,健身月票不可转借他人。The Applicant must be residents of Grand Palisades. The gymnastic monthly pass is not transferable.

未经甲方书面同意,擅自将该房屋转租、转让、转借他人或调换使用的。Sublet, sublease, transfer or swap the Premises without obtaining the prior written consent of Party A.

乙方须妥善保管好甲方的用户名及密码,不得转借给其它的单位或个人使用。Party B shall keep the user name and password confidential and not allowed to share it with other parties.

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乙方租用的车辆不能转租、转借、变卖、抵押,不能赋予自己对车辆任何超出本合同的其它权力。Party B is not allowed to re-rent, mortgage, re-sell the leased vehicle or any other power beyond the contract.

经办人不得将支票转借他人或擅自改变用途及扩大使用限额。The handler shall neither lend the cheque to others nor arbitrarily change the purpose, nor increase the use limit.

门禁卡请妥善保管,进出门需关好门,并严禁转借他人使用,否则将停止其使用权。Please take good care of your entrance card. Make sure the door is closed when you sue your cark and do not lend it to others.

加拿大外来语的进入主要通过直借、转借、半借、译借等方式。Canadian English borrows words from other languages mainly through the ways of direct loan, half loan, sub tenancy and loan translation.

尤其是在资金的转借和资产的交付、接收上引起的会计处理,在现行的制度中没有明确的规定。It is not clearly specified in the present accounting regulations as to the accounting treatment for funds transfer, hand-over of assets, etc.

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此外,由于美州银行误导性的担保,消费者推迟了短期销售,转借其它努力来减轻自己的损失。Additionally, due to Bank of America’s misleading assurances, consumers deferred short-sales and passed on other attempts to mitigate their losses.

情节,是故事的骨架,是在叙事文中能被浓缩和转借的部分,是由一系列的事件按照一定的逻辑关系组合而成的。The plot, is the skeleton of story, is the part that can be enriched and lent in the narrative text, and is composed of a series of logical events.

严禁转让、出借、转借、抵押、赠送、私藏或者非法持有民用爆炸物品。It is strictly prohibited to transfer, lend, lend to a third party, pledge, donate, privately hide or unlawfully hold any explosive for civilian use.