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准星缩减为一个点。The crosshair is reduced to a dot.

一淘起来没个准星。Tao gets up to have no a gun sight.

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我很怀疑有人敢相信它的准星。I rather doubt you could trust its aim,” he said.

当玩家移动的时候,准星会扩张。The crosshair will expand when the player is moving.

现在的媒体报道似乎都失去了自己的准星儿。The media has seemingly lost all sense of proportion.

固定的准星有发光嵌件用于低照度条件。Fixed sights have luminous inserts for low light conditions.

当你把枪的准星和目标对齐,那就开火。When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!

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用网球拍投掷移动的小东西,我准星挺高。I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy.

这样的距离,别说野鸡,就是一只麻雀也逃不出我的准星。For such a range I couldn't have missed a sparrow, let alone a pheasant.

有,全新的准星有4个竖条,中间是一个小点。Yes. The new crosshair has a small center dot with the standard 4 "legs."

你可以从十字准星里看到他们面无表情,他们显得并不高兴。You could see their faces plainly in the reticle , and they weren't happy.

选择一个十字准星位置差异和按火当你做了。Position the crosshair to select a difference and press fire when you're done.

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他机械地抓起了那支空枪,瞄好准星,抠下板机。Mechanically he reached for the empty gun, drew a bead, and pulled the trigger.

陈德财训练时有些紧张,他习惯了用歪的准星,换了枪后让他不太适应。Nervous Chen Decai training, he used the gun for a crooked sight, let him not adapt.

每个准星控制你的两把武器中的一把,而你可以瞄准不同的目标。Each thumb controls one of your two gun barrels, and they can be aimed independently.

比如在准星后面增加一条延长线,可以很大程度上提高精度降低散布。If a line begins to fall behind, they can always increase accuracy and reduce spread.

跑动中和退后中的准星是分散到最大,如同一直持枪扫射一般毫无章法。Running and back of the front sight isdecentralized to the maximum, as has been generally no methodicalness gun fire.

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你会发现弹痕分布都在以准星中间点为中心的上面那个准星范围之内。You will find that the distribution of bullet in sight to the mid-point above the center of the front sight of that range.

消焰器兼作枪榴弹发射插座,发射榴弹用的折叠式准星柱通常平置于枪管上方。Xiao Yan-socket Jianzuo grenade launcher , grenade launchers with the folded-Zhunxing column usually placed at the top of the barrel.

最后,数以千计的恒星构成的星团发展成为从外表到行为都可以在某种程度上被称为准星系的东西。Eventually, clusters of many thousands of stars develop and began to look and behave like something that could be called a sub-galaxy.