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亲身经验最可贵。Wit bought is better than wit taught.

当你亲身焚毁房子和家园,你尝试过自立更生吗?。When you burned down the house and home?

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想亲身感受一下豪华露营的滋味吗?Want to experience glamping for yourself?

请到普罗旺斯来亲身体验一番吧!Come to Provence and experience it by yourself!

他每天都亲身接触这些数据。He meets these statistics personally, every day.

从亲身经历我只知道这是确实是真的。And I know this is true from personal experience!

这里我想拿自己的亲身经历作为例证。I’d like to cite my own experience as an example.

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这个故事使我想起我的一次亲身经历.The story reminds me of an experience I once had.

亲身来华星服装店瞧一瞧吧!Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!

你们去过皇马亲身考察过这个青训体系没有?Have you been to Real Madrid to witness the system?

再举一个我亲身经历过的例子。Let me give you one other example of an experience.

分享您的亲身经历,好的坏的都讲。Share your personal experiences, both good and bad.

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这里是一些世界上不同国家的人对此次于灾难的亲身经历。Here are some personal stories from around the world

只有亲身经历后才能真正懂得什么是内心静默。Only by experiencing it one can really know what it is.

我将举一个亲身经历的小故事作为例子来说明这一点。I’ll illustrate with a short story from my own training.

和其它训犬员一样,道林从他的亲身经历中对这些早已了然于心。Like other handlers, Dowling knows this from experience.

我亲身体验到,他们提供的优质服务。And I can truly attach to the excellence of their service.

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在这个历史时刻,我们不亲身带走一物。At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.

有没有是亲身经历过戏中的情节?Have you ever lived any of the moments depicted in the film?

你是否曾有过开着艘护卫舰经过他人战列舰的亲身经历?Have you ever flown past a battleship in your modest frigate.