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什么丧心病狂的人才会做这种事?What kind of horror of a person could do that?

科赫工业是丧心病狂的公司的例证。Koch Industries was the poster child of a company run amok.

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那是他帮派的名字。“科学家”。他们丧心病狂啊。That's the name of his gang. The Scientists. They are crazy.

你说我是丧心病狂,那你是什么?你给我带来的是什么?You said I was insane, what are you? What have you brought to me?

什么人竟然如此丧心病狂,拿死亡跟我们开这种玩笑?Who is mad enough to play games with us, and with death, in this way?

我看到他丧心病狂地刺死了那个小姑娘,并把她大卸八块。I saw him mercilessly stab the little girl to death, and dissect her body.

世界上再好的东西,如果遇上丧心病狂的人都会被砸毁。An object, no matter how nice it is, will be broken down if meeting lunatic guys.

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在一场丧心病狂的谋杀后,马里兰警方正在搜寻两个在白色有蓬货车的人。Maryland police are searching for two people in a white van following a murder spree.

正是这种深仇大恨使他们干出了这样丧心病狂的破坏。And the depth of their hatred is equaled by the madness of the destruction they design.

后来他竟然丧心病狂地杀死霍华德并毁尸灭迹。Afterwards he unexpectedly and unscrupulously kills Huo Hua virtuous and ruin corpse to put out a vestige.

小龙女痛斥龙三为了大当家的位置丧心病狂没有人性,还害死了那么多亲人。Helen of Troy denounced the dragon three position to frenzied big headed and no human, also killed so many relatives.

是否做了什么丧心病狂的事,让你的父母妻子受辱,因而自杀身亡以谢天下?Or you did something lunatic made your parents and wife insulted, so you committed suicide to apologize to all people?

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那些屠宰场的所作所为可以说是丧心病狂,如果你去过一次,定会留下一辈子的惨烈记忆。Slaughterhouses whose activities are so heartless and barbaric that a single visit can leave you traumatized for life.

那些头头们制作了排华的标语,向着毫无戒备的华工走来,丧心病狂地大喊大叫。Ringleaders had made anti-Chinese banners and marched on the unprepared Chinese shouting and chanting themselves into frenzy.

如果人类能够避免丧心病狂,如果能够控制不可避免的气候变迁,我们一定会去追寻那些能够得到的最好的选择。If humanity is to avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable of climate change, we must pursue the best options available.

社会是一张阔叶,而文明则是杀虫剂,防止丧心病狂之徒对社会造成严重戕害。Society is a broad-leaved, and civilized is the insecticide to prevent the insane of the believers cause serious harm to society.

一夜之间,孟买涌现了许多新的英雄,他们在面对丧心病狂的歹徒时所表现出来的人性深深地震撼了人们。Overnight, Mr. Zende became one of Mumbai's new heroes, their humanity all the more striking in the face of the inhumanity of the gunmen.

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例如,不管人们对于列宁的爱恨如何毁誉交加,我不认为爱恨情结真的会如此使人丧心病狂。Despite everything people have said, for example, about Lenin, I don't think either hate or love, hainamoration, has ever really killed anyone.

阿克蒙德确信燃烧军团的胜利已不可逆转,所以他并不着急,丧心病狂的戏弄迦洛德,慢慢把他弄死。Archimonde was certain that the Legion's victory was inevitable, and so he took his time, sadistically toying with Jarod, slowly beating him to death.

瑟鲍思深陷狂乱与邪恶之中,无法自拔,他为了将卢克改造为自己的黑暗面新徒弟,已经不择手段,丧心病狂。C'baoth's insanity and evil was too deeply rooted to undo, and in his bid to mold Skywalker into his new dark side pupil, C'baoth did the unthinkable.