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伊拉克特拉情结其实是阴茎嫉妒。The Electra complex is the penis envy story.

她们本来是拥有阴茎的,但却被某人夺去了。You had once had a penis but somebody had taken it from you.

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与此有关的是,他提出了,臭名昭著的阴茎嫉妒论。And related to this, he developed the notorious theory of penis envy.

这个观点认为,女性会在发育的某个时期,发现自身缺少阴茎。And the idea is that you discovered at some point in your development that you lacked a penis.

同时女性会排斥母亲,原因是母亲没有阴茎,所以也是卑贱的,女性的性心理发展随之成形。You reject your mother, who's equally unworthy due to her penis lack, and that shapes your psychosexual development.

随后她们开始关注父亲,并爱上自己的父亲,因为父亲拥有阴茎,从此他成为了阴茎的替代品。You then turn to your father and love your father because your father has a penis, so he's a sort of penis substitute.

根据弗洛伊德的理论,阴茎嫉妒是对女性所经历的,某一发展状态的解释。And penis envy is an account of a developmental state that every one of you who is female has gone through, according to Freud.

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我之前给你们讲过的阴茎,阴茎嫉妒,以及阴茎替代物,其实就是伊拉克特拉情结的缩写版。And that story I told you with the penises and the penis envy and the replacement is sort of a very shortened version of the Electra complex.

他因对性器表征的解释而为人熟知,他认为某些建筑纪念碑,是潜意识中阴茎表征的展现。he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations.

弗洛伊德会认为,女性发现其身体缺少阴茎的这件事,会在决定其日后的生活忠诚度,及自身的性取向和性偏好中,起到重要的作用。The claim that Freud would make is that the woman's discovery that she lacks the penis plays a fundamental role later on determining her allegiances in life and in fact her own sexual preferences and interests.