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我们将会把二流子追回伦敦!We will chase the rascals back to London!

二流子习气他们批评那个懒汉强调自己的小病而不肯干活。They criticized the lazybones for playing up his slight illness.

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所有二流子都要受到改造,参加生产,变成好人。All loafers must be reformed into good citizens through participation in production.

他只来过一次,穿着一条白灯笼裤,还在花园里跟一个姓艾蒂的二流子干了一架。He came only once, in white knickerbockers , and had a fight with a bum named Etty in the garden.

根据我个人89年时的经历,外国记者里二流子多得是。According to my personal experience in 1989, there are a lot of rascals among the foreign journalists.

如果你想会见几个真正快活的纽约人,你最好去跟207号街地铁站的二流子们谈谈。If you want to meet some truly happy New Yorkers, talk to the bums at the 207th Street subway station.

生产自给以来,劳动观念加强了,二流子的习气被改造了。But since the army began to produce for its own support, the attitude to labour has improved and loafer ways have been overcome.

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土匪、植鸦片和二流子是旧制度给陕甘宁边区乡村留下来的主要社会问题。Bandit opium planting and idler are the main social problems that the old system left for the villages in the shanxi-gansu-ningxia border region.

土匪、种植鸦片和二流子是旧制度给陕甘宁边区乡村留下来的主要社会问题。Bandit, opium planting and idler are the main social problems that the old system left for the villages in the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

他于1897年生于浙江省的山丘之间,即便只是一个少年时他就被看作是天生的领袖,但同时也被认为是个“沉溺于声色赌博的二流子”。He was born in 1897 in the hills of Zhejiang Province, where even as a teenager he was seen as a natural leader, but also as “a trouble maker addicted to sex and gambling.

他于1897年生于浙江省的山丘之间,即便只是一个少年时他就被看作是天生的领袖,但同时也被认为是个“沉溺于声色赌博的二流子”。He was born in 1897 in the hills of Zhejiang Province, where even as a teenager he was seen as a natural leader, but also as “a trouble maker addicted to sex and gambling.”