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刚刚从一个贫苦的男童寒门。Hes just a poor boy from a poor family.

寒门出才子,高山出俊鸟。Poor family out of wit, mountain Jun birds out.

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他们垄断政治,排斥庶族寒门。They monopolize politics, repel commoners my impoverished family.

我来自农村,出身寒门,希望以自己的努力来改变自己的命运。I come from a rural family and expects to change my own destiny with my efforts.

萧梁皇族本出自寒门,不以文化显名。The royal family of the Liang Dynasty was originally poor, not famous for its culture.

同时,他们尚文采的唯美文学观也对寒门文人产生了深切的影响。Meanwhile , their aestheticism of esteeming literary grace had a profound influence on scholars from humble home.

而出身寒门的左思却未完全接受这股思潮,以其独特的文学创作独标时代。Born in a poor family did not completely accept the piece and said that this trend, with its unique literary creation superscript independence era.

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1930年,一名来自山东临清的寒门之子--季羡林,考上了清华大学,专业是西方文学。Son to an impoverished rural family in Linqing, Shandong province, Ji was admitted to Tsinghua University in 1930 and majored in Western literature.

不过,作为新起的皇族势力,其门风依然表现出寒门的传统,在宗室政策上表现为苛禁诸王及家族内部的严重冲突等。However, as a newly rising royal force, it manifested the tradition of common people, which was shown by castigating the nobility and major conflicts within the family.

本研讨首先界定了核心概念并阐述了理论基本,并对大学寒门学子成才的尺度和特性入行了阐述。Firstly, this text defines the core conceptions, expatiates the theoretic foundation, and clarifies the standards and characters of university poverty difficult students' mature.

孙吴统治集团原本出身寒门,受儒家礼法观念的影响较浅,崇尚世俗娱乐,在行为上则显得轻薄浮华。The ruling groups of the kingdom were of humble birth and were not greatly influenced by the Confucian ethics. They advocated secular entertainment and appeared to be showy in behavior.

该校53名获得捐赠的家庭经济困难的寒门学子,感激地从潘宗光手里接过每人5000元人民币的助学证书和部分学习书籍。The school was donated by 53 families of students Hanmen, Poon Chung-kwong, from the grateful hands of 5000 yuan per person to take over the student certificate and some books to study.

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嫁给有才华的寒门学子,她也曾经考虑过,可是,谁又能确定那所谓的寒门学子将来就真有出息?Marry the humble kin student of having the aesthetic artist, she once considered as well, but, who repeatedly made sure that so-called humble family student in the hereafter really have longing?

当寒门少女家长遇到了豪门嫡长子,两个人不难从对方身上,寻找到自己的影子,以至于惺惺相惜,把对方归属于同类,并开始合并同类项。When any girl parents met the club office, two people from each other, not hard to find your shadow, that freemasonry, take each other belongs to the same kind, and began to merge similar terms.