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不平安,因为心中没有方向,内忧外患。No peace, for they are lacking directions.

他们所处的时代,各种矛盾极其尖锐,内忧外患相当严重。There were various contradictions and serious dangers in their age.

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如此内忧外患,使得这一制度在我国并没能充分发挥出它的最大效能。Due to those troubles, the system can't play his maximum utility in our country.

在此内忧外患之中,生活着一位传奇的皇后。Against this background of internal turmoil and external threat lives a legendary queen.

在他生活得年代,南宋一直处于内忧外患之中。During his life , Southern Song was threatened by both domestic trouble and foreign invasions.

它从一个侧面反映了在近代中国内忧外患的历史条件下,中国人民救亡图存与自强求富的基本要求。It reflected the demands of Chinese people's rescue of the nation and prosperity of the country.

国家处在内忧外患之中,如何救国家于危亡之中,不同的人提出了不尽相同的方法。Many people put forward different ideas about how to save the nation from the dangerous situation.

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但即便在共和制度下,中国依然深受内忧外患的困扰。BUT EVEN as a republic, China remained riven by internal strife and lacerated by external aggression.

内忧外患之际,一批先进的中国人开始认识到中国必须向西方学习。The governers of Late Qing felt it and some realized that China must learn from the western countries.

拉法-贝尼特斯表扬格兰特在朴斯茅斯内忧外患的情况下所作的工作。Rafa Benitez has praised Avram Grant for the job he is doing under difficult circumstances at Portsmouth.

中国传统的民族关系也在内忧外患的形势下向近代转型。Chinese traditional ethnic relations are both internal and external problems in transition to modern circumstances.

中国现代杂文是在新文化运动中、在内忧外患的交织中诞生并走向丰富和成熟的。Modern Chinese Essays goes into richness and maturity in a new era which is full of internal and external problems.

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韩志杰内忧外患得急症,俞心庭劝韩金铨最主要是解决韩志杰的心病。Jeff han domestically to emergency, shu heart court advised Han Jinquan solve Jeff han is the most main preoccupation.

然而,中国清洁能源行业本身面临着一系列挑战,正处于“内忧外患”之时。Yet the clean energy industry in China is itself now threatened by a series of challenges, both external and internal.

由此,清朝成为中国历史上第一个在全国范围内彻底消除内忧外患的封建王朝。The Qing thus became the first dynasty to eliminate successfully all danger to China Proper from across its land borders.

如何应对家电行业营销渠道目前的“内忧外患”,已成为中国家电行业的热点问题。How to react to the present "internal and external troubles" in its marketing channels has become a hot spot in the industry.

面对着“内忧外患”,我们这批对南大充满希望的青年几乎无所适从。In the face of such internal and external "troubles", youths like us who had such high hopes for Nantah did not know what to do.

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华北事变后,面对内忧外患的局面,蒋介石开始改变过去妥协退让的态度,对日态度逐渐强硬。After northern china incident, Jiangkaishi became to change policy of compromise to tough attitude when facing inner worry and foreign aggression.

内忧外患之际,九儿带领队伍,将日本鬼子引到了高粱地,点燃红高粱,与敌人同归于尽。Domestic trouble and foreign invasion during, 9 lead a team, made Japanese devil broomcorn land, ignite red broomcorn, with enemy perish together.

这种内忧外患、天灾人祸的历史背景是造成辛亥革命前十年间民变频繁的主要原因。This internal and external disasters caused by the historical background of decades before the Revolution of the main reasons people become frequent.