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月夜是我永无止境的泪水。The moon night is my endless tears.

今夜,该是怎样的月夜?Tonight, this is how the moonlight?

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月夜下,天空看起来一片宁静。The sky looked serene in the moonlight.

祝福成功,月夜兼程。Gaving each other moving blessings day and night.

舞台灯光产生了一副月夜景色的效果。The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene.

一个人坐在秋千上轻荡,月夜下,星光璀璨。Light a man sit on the swing swing, Moonlight, Star bright.

就在满月夜那一日敌军包围了这里。The enemy was closing in and so was the night of the full moon.

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干燥的,无味的,其实男人谁谈月夜天文学。A dry-as-dust-a matter-of-fact man who talk astronomy on a moonlit night.

我记得,在一个月夜,我们怎样地泛舟溯河而上。I remember how one moonlit evening we went up this river in a little boat.

月夜,胡蝶彻夜未归,她在江里划船失事了。The night, Hu Die night did not return, she crashed in the river the boat.

其实我的礼物就是,下个月夜夜春宵。His gift was, in fact, to make love with me every day for the following month.

九年前的一个月夜,祖父和我在园里乘凉。Nine years ago on a moonlit night, my grandfather and me in the garden the cool.

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在澳大利亚天文台的无月夜观测保证了波尔马特可以找到候选体。The moon-free nights guaranteed that Perlmutter would find candidates at the AAT.

在微风中享受浪漫的花前月夜!Enjoy romantic moon light evenings with nice breeze surrounded by a beautiful garden!

她向上朝我看了一眼,而后傻笑,这次她气息在月夜下向上升腾。She glances up at me and smirks, this time exhaling her breath upward into the moonlight.

他不想在晴朗的月夜,在白色月光的笼罩下,一个人独自与爷爷坐在屋外。He did not want to sit here outside on fine evenings under a white moon with Granddad alone.

月夜还有虾蟆像滚珠一样的叫声,好比浮到池塘面上的气泡。The moonlight like ball like frogs and, like floating on the surface of the pond to the bubble.

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爷爷一走,小彼得不想,也不愿意在晴朗的月夜坐在这老屋的门廊里了。He'd not want, Petey wouldn't, to sit here on the old porch of fine evenings, with Granddad gone.

徘徊在月夜的杀戮,持刀的收割者怀想着夜风的絮语。Wandering on a moonlit night of the killing, harvester knife pregnant think the night wind's whisper.

囚徒们的呼噜、呻吟和镣铐的咯吱声使得月夜更显诡秘。The moonlit night was made even eerier by the grunts, moans, and rattling chains of captive prisoners.