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据说风在这里低唱软语。The wind here is said to sing in soft whispers.

汤姆把艾咪抱在怀里,并在她耳边软语呢喃。Tom held Amy in his arms and whispered in her ear.

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美人的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loud call of duty.

美人儿的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty.

她用指尖拾起微小的种子,将它们放入土中,温言软语地哄着它们生长。She would take tiny seeds with her fingertips, place them in soil and coax them to grow.

柯瑟琳几乎听到女人们的软语,那温柔的声音通过以太网慰藉着她的心灵。Catherine could almost hearthe coo of female voices, gentle, soothing murmurs through the ether.

隔着轻纱幔帐,隐约传来邻桌女子的吴侬软语。Beyond the soft and thin curtain comes a soft voice of a South China girl sitting at a table next to you.

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按照传统,男方通常都会向妻子道歉,软言软语地求她回家。The husband often apologizes, as the tradition goes, softens up to the wife and requests that she come back.

焦急的父母们烦恼不已,轻声软语地说一些鼓励的话,希望某种奇迹出现能让他们逃离噩梦。Their anxious parents fret over them, murmuring soft words of encouragement, hoping for some sort of miracle that will free them from a nightmare.

在桥里面她能听到鸽子在檐下的窠里咕咕软语。她把手掌放在桥栏杆上享受那暖洋洋的感觉。Inside, she could hear pigeons burbling softly in their nests under the eves and put the palm of -her hand on the side planking, feeling the warmth.

传统与现代,古老与时尚,各种文化在这座大都市中碰撞出精彩的火花。她带给我们的不仅仅是吴侬软语的温柔,更是海纳百川的气魄。Shanghai, where the traditional and the modern, the old and the new collide and sparkle, possesses not only a feminine softness but also a masculine verse.

然而,同为世界文化遗产的艺圃却鲜为人知,即使是操着标准吴侬软语的本地人也很少问津。However, as one of the World Cultural Heritages, the Garden of Cultivation is known to much less people. Even those local people who speak Suzhou dialect fluently rarely visit it.

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他纳江南的女子为妃,与江南的士子激扬文字,甚至和当地的人们学起了吴侬软语。The feme of his Na Chiang-Nan is an imperial concubine and leaven kinase Yang character with the private of Chiang-Nan and even have Wu Nong Ruan's language with people enzymology of the region.