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月亮从一片云后隐现出来。The moon peeped out from behind a cloud.

她对我的畴昔隐现出莫大年夜的猎奇。She showed great curiosity about my past.

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而失掉的问双经常皆隐现他们真正在太闲了。Their answers always indicate they are too busy.

石锤收回,取而代之的是安迪隐现的目光。The pick withdraws, replaced by Andy's peering eye.

如果你的公司危机隐现,那么请尽早筹集资金。If there are problems looming, move early to raise capital.

峰峦峭壁,隐现于苍松翠柏之中。Mountainous cliffs, looming in among the pines and cypresses.

隐现句中的动词只能是一价动词。In the disappearing existence sentences, the verbs must be mono-valent ones.

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尽管如此,早期的真核细胞谜团里还是慢慢隐现了一幅连贯的图景。Nonetheless, a coherent picture is slowly emerging of the early eukaryotic cell.

海底神秘文明隐现“海底人”是否真的存在?。Mystery civilization at the sea bottom, whether the "sea-bottom man" real exists?

那情那景,那人那物,为何隐现,躲闪脑海,挥之不去?That love that scene, the person that matter, why is looming, dodge mind, get rid of?

没有游戏可用,但他们会渐渐开端正在十仲春中隐现。No games are available yet, but they will slowly start appearing over the course of December.

我们可能希望舞步中能够传递出对于隐现的贸易和货币战争的一种临时性的搁置或延缓。We can hope that this dance will deliver a temporary delay of the looming trade and currency war.

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由各体系专家构秤弈测控通信挚嗑部隐现了两种没有开定睹。By experts of the monitoring and control communication system command there were two different views.

许多人隐现没有规矩,完备轻忽我们糊心的天下的环境。Lots people show bad manners , entirely indifferent to the environment of the world we are living in.

陈有证据隐现欧洲其他国家的富人甘心居住正在斯堪的纳维亚天域。There is little evidence that the footloose wealthy from other parts of Europe want to live in Scandinavia.

关于职位描述外独一不变的是要隐现出你对老板来说非常无价值,那样才能保证你面试成功。The only constant about your job description is that you must be invaluable to your boss in order to succeed.

海啸、中东危机、美国政府关门的风险以及隐现的预算赤字都是市场抑制因素。Tsunamis, Middle East crises, government shutdown threats and a looming budget deficit are all dampers on the market.

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远方隐现的篝火如残星般点缀着地平线,仿佛万物都在渴求着温暖。Bonfires of the downtrodden illuminated the horizon like morbid stars. Poor souls seeking any warmth they could muster.

5月24日至25日,磺镉北部天域将会有除夜风隐现,北部天域将会延绝降雨进程。May 24 to 25, northern banks of the Huaihe River to see strong winds while southern reaches will see persistent rainfall.

互联网监管的另一面,就是互联网上隐现了较多的和政府有关的行为。And the other side of Internet governance that looms much larger really has to do with governing behavior on the Internet.