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这是本视听图书。It's an audio-visual book.

扰乱视听,混淆黑白。Disturbing confusion, black and white.

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运用视听辅助教具完善你的演讲Complement your speech with visual aids.

缅甸的印刷媒体和视听媒体均受政府监控。Censorship of printed and audiovisual media.

视听数字式交互系统?。VADIS?Video Audio Digital Interactive System?

您可以借阅本室的视听资料。The videos and CDs in this room can be borrowed.

一场视听的盛宴,一部真诚的影片!The regale of a seeing and hearing, a genuine film!

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视听馆里安装了三百六十度的环形银幕。The Image Hall is equipped with a 360 degree screen.

它们明艳的羽毛和优美的叫声给我们视听上的享受。Their bright plumage and beautiful songs delight us.

视听法是一种有效的教学方法。Audio-lingual approach is an effective teaching method.

大众喜爱的乡土视听艺术。Second, Native audio-visual art welcomed by the masses.

地下则为视听室与酒窖。Compared with audio-visual room and underground wine cellar.

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奢华视听盛宴及贺岁大片等你来!Costly audio-visual feast and New Year large waiting for you!

如果时间和地点允许的话,考虑并准备好视听教具。If time and place allow, consider and prepare audio-visual aids.

看,孩子们在语音室上视听课。Look, the children are having a video lesson in the language lab.

为了促进视听传播系统,需要采取哪五个步骤?What five steps need to occur to improve A-V communication systems?

让我们以敞开的心在视听中去感受那曾隐蔽的内心空间。Let us see and hear that once-hidden inner sanctum with open hearts.

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罗彻斯特大学视听文化研究主任琼萨博说,在当今的政治营销中存在同样的热情。Saab says the same dynamic can be seen in today's political marketing.

戴上这种视听器,您就会耳聪目明。Wearing this audiovisual device, you are aBle to see and hear clearly.

运城视听网的建立,是运城广播电视事业的一种新开拓,更是一次发展机遇。The set up of YCAVN, is not only a development but also an opportunity.