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晚上收工的时候,我已经同意加入他们的巡回游艺团了。By the end of the night, I had agreed to join their carnival.

这就是这种大型棋牌游艺社区的魅力。This is such a large-scale charm Card entertainment community.

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全新成立儿童专属的游艺空间—「U12小玩艺教室」。Establishes a brand new art education space for children, MOCA U12.

他们拥有大型的房屋用来存放牲口和用作玩集耍的游艺场地。They had large buildings to house animals and a midway area for games and rides.

能在一个地方住下来,不用再跟随巡回游艺团在马车上四处颠簸,这主意不错。I liked the idea of being in one place, escaping the bumpy horse carts of carnival life.

带你进入如诗似梦的游艺园,打开新一年的快乐旅程!A funfair blending performances and fantasy that unfolds the joyful myth of the New Year!

整个儿童艺术节共举办3个游艺日、48个工作坊及44场舞台表演,参加观众共有31879人次。The festival's three Fun Days, 48 workshops and 44 stage performances drew an audience of 31879.

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当地群众在这天吃烤牛羊肉,举行传统的体育游艺活动。Local people eat roast beef and mutton in the day, a traditional sports entertainment activities.

晚上收工的时候,我已经同意加入他们的巡回游艺团了。我将自己当作商品出售的日子开始了。By the end of the night, I had agreed to join their carnival. And my life as a commodity had begun.

游艺厅工作人员告诉记者,“这些票可以攒着,攒齐500张才可兑换奖品。”Recreation Department staff told reporters, "These can save a ticket, save Qi 500 can redeem prizes."

检查中,对两户擅自从事游艺经营活动的场所依法予以了关停取缔。Inspection, the two engaging in business activities of entertainment venues shut down according to the ban.

乘坐游艺设备时,系好安全带。运转中,不得站立,不得将头、手、脚伸出游艺设备外。Fasten your safety belt properly. Do not try to stand or stick out your head, hand or foot out of the vehicle.

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这也是“泡马子”的另一方面,包括愚蠢的游艺团骗术、小礼品和泡马子条例。There's also the whole other side to 'pick up', which involves silly carnival tricks, gimmicks, and pick up lines.

这是一个温和的星期五傍晚,花园里散步的人很多,还有举家观赏游艺乐园的。It is a mild Friday evening and the gardens are full of people out for a stroll and families enjoying a mini funfair.

龙潭庙会历来以极富民间色彩和体育色彩的游艺活动而著称于京城的庙会。Longtan Temple Fair has always been very civil to color and color fun sports activities known in the capital's temple.

这是记者从市文广新局举行的游艺娱乐场所专项整治工作会议上获悉的。This is the reporter from the City Council the new SMG at recreation, entertainment special work meeting was informed.

活动时,每个孩子有一张邀请函,任意选择自己喜欢的游艺项目和父母一起进行活动。In 2, when the activity, each child has an invitation, choose their own like entertainment projects and their parents for activities.

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奇乐儿为您和孩子量身打造每一期独特的主题游艺,让您的孩子在快乐中健康成长!Every weekend we will prepare special bilingual theming activities. We promise kids will get a good environment to play and learn here.

同时,在园内修建一座仿古式小型豪华宾馆,以供游客住宿,参与晚上游艺活动。An archaized luxurious hotel will be built in the Park for accommodating tourists and making them participate in the activities at night.

我们小时候,我特别喜欢和他一起到他父亲的咖啡店去,特别是在游艺团来城里演出时,因为所有演职人员都在这里吃饭。When we were boys, I loved to go with him to his dad's café, especially when the carnival was in town, because all the carnies ate there.