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在正午休会。The adjourn at midday.

在某个流火的正午干涸!Some burning noon go dry!

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到了正午她的羊水已经破出。By noon her water hadbroken.

我们在正午吃午饭。We always eat lunch at noon.

限制正午暴露于太阳的时间。Limit time in the midday sun.

村民们一路疾行,直至正午时分。The villagers fled until noon.

学校钟声正午时分嘡嘡作响。The school bell bonged at noon.

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为正午计划团体活动。Plan group activities for midday.

在第三天正午前入睡。Sleep before the third noon sounds.

在闷热蒸腾的夏天正午In the sweltering haze of summer-noon

正午时钟打12下。The clock strikes twelve times at noon.

正午的时候,沙子被晒得酷热。At midday, the sands are blistering hot.

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正午时刻比午夜更加漆黑。The noon hour was blacker than midnight.

正午的骄阳高高挂起,那是我日常漫步的去处。There daily I wander as noon rises high.

还有“在正午把人毁灭的毒病”。And“the destruction that wasteth at noonday”

正午那种广大的寂静笼罩着大海。The vast silence of noon hangs over the sea.

后来,在遥远的正午,在三个时刻。Afterward, in far noontide, at three moments.

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华尔街上,正午从桁隙漏到大街Down Wall, from girder into street noon leaks

正午,我沿着房子一侧向上走去At noon I scaled along the house-side as far as

天很热,正午的阳光下,温度高达近90华氏度。It was hot, nearly 90 degrees in the noonday sun.