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我和小白寡不敌众。"White little" and I are losing the fight.

泰国工人是寡不敌众。The Thai workmen were hopelessly outnumbered.

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那些抵抗者寡不敌众,只得投降。The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in.

石头寡不敌众被一伙日本人控制住。The stone be outnumbered by a group of Japanese control.

即便没有那两个食死徒,哈利仍然寡不敌众。Even without those two Death Eaters, Harry is still outnumbered.

一场激战后,农民军寡不敌众,多数被俘。After a fierce battle, outnumbered army of peasants, most captured.

当印第安人意识到发生了什么,他们已经寡不敌众了。Before the Indians realized what was happening, they were outnumbered.

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二人在海军总务部皆身受重伤,寡不敌众。Two people in the navy general affairs department is seriously injured, outnumbered.

他们为了救人和日本鬼子打了起来,但是寡不敌众他们被打散了。In order to save them and Japs fight, but hopelessly outnumbered they were scattered.

我们几个年轻一点的强烈抗议,但寡不敌众,只好作罢。We are a bit younger to protest strongly , but hopelessly outnumbered , have to drop.

仅仅由于寡不敌众,那支小小的抵抗队伍才被敌人打败。The small force of resistance fighters was ground down by the sheer weight of the enemy.

荷兰士兵说,当时寡不敌众,无法制止塞尔维亚人的入侵。Dutch soldiers have said they were outnumbered and not able to halt the Serbian invasion.

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寡不敌众的赵传奇眼看要被俘虏,却被一伙拿着武器的村民解救。The outnumbered Zhao Chuanji is captured, but by a group of villagers to save, carry weapons.

深受车臣恐怖分子,俄罗斯义务兵7寡不敌众逃离了村庄。Heavily outnumbered by Chechen terrorists, 7 of the Russian conscripts run away from the village.

她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she wasfinally knocked into the middle of next week by thegang.

艾紫培虽然尽力,但是他们仍然寡不敌众,并计划通过一个肉类的传送轴逃往秘罗地的地下。Elspeth slew many, but they were outnumbered and manage to escape further into Mirrodin's underground through a meat shaft.

二人在终因寡不敌众之下,李世民和哥舒芸先后跳下悬崖跌入了大海。Two people in being outnumbered under, li shi-mm and elder brother ShuYun successively fell into the sea jump off the cliff.

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他们奋勇杀敌,强壮、敏捷且不知疲倦,但是最后都会因寡不敌众或是伤口众多导致的失血过多而战死沙场。All would be strong and swift and untiring, but eventually they would always be struck down by weight of numbers, or number of wounds.

他虽然用那根威风的棍子打了几个强盗,最后还是寡不敌众地倒下,他的手下拿他的棍子痛打他,打得他躺在地上奄奄一息。His great stick hit several of the other robbers, but at last he himself fell. He was beaten with his own stick until he lay as if dead.

作为报复,蒙卡拉马里人参加了起义军,成为其核心种族,为寡不敌众的同盟舰队提供急需的战舰。In retaliation, the Mon Calamari became one of the key species of the Rebellion, supplying badly needed warships to the outnumbered Alliance fleet.