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猿人的魔法书!The Bape Magic Book !

这个猿人长得真帅呀!This ape-man is so handsome!

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人由类猿人转变而来。Man are descended from ape-men.

生存空间?我更中意“猿人洞”。Lebensraum? I prefer "man cave".

一个猿人在微温的湖泊中沐浴!An Ape Bathing in Lukewarm water !

直立猿人是真人的祖先。Homo erectus is a progenitor of Homo sapiens.

大猩猩一切都模仿猿人。The ape apes the ape-man in everything he does.

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鲍勃记起了人类还是猿人时的情景。Bob remembers when humans were a tribe of monkeys, in Africa.

至今共发现40个以上个体的猿人化石。So far a total of more than 40 individual fossils of ape-man.

当猿人制作第一块石器时,我们可以说他创造了“文明”。When an ape man made the first stoneware, he has created a civilization.

自由是人类由猿人转变来以后就一直追求的东西。Freedom has always been pursued since mankind came into being from ape-men.

这种猿人能够直立行走,打制和使用简单工具,并且知道如何使用火。This ape-man could walk erect, make and use simple tools and knew how to use fire.

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应该会有吧,不用担心,人类就是由猿人进化来的,没关系的。It should be no need to worry about human evolution from ape-man's, does not matter the.

中国的直立人化石。通常称为北京猿人、中国猿人。Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually called a Peking ape-man or Chinese ape-man.

法国引人入胜的展览欲揭开世界上最有名的猿人之谜。And a provocative exhibition tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous apeman.

北京猿人是最负盛名的中国猿人,也是研究得最充分的猿人。Peking Man the best known Chinese APE Man, has been one of the most adequately studied homos.

你必须要爆发,你必须要象史前猿人倾尽全力破冰而出那样对着篮圈怒吼。You got to scream to the basket like you"re pre-historic cave-man trying to break out of ice."

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凡是了解历史的人都知道,在猿人到人的转变中,劳动起了决定性作用。Any understanding of history knows that the ape-man to people change, labor played a decisive role.

几个世纪以来,在东非各种关于大型“猿人”的传说吸引着探险者和当地人。For centuries, tales of large "ape-men" in East Africa have captivated explorers and natives alike.

如果人类仍旧固步自封,那么社会政策的作用无异于困住猿人的笼子。If human behaviour is unreformable , social policy can only ever be about trying to cage the ape within.