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说她是缩头乌龟还更贴切。A turtle hiding in her shell is more like it.

敌人像缩头乌龟一样藏在几个孤立的据点里。The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strong-holds.

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他扬言能单独击败在场的任何人,但当杰克走过来时他便缩头了。He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he drew his horns when Jack came forward.

与此同时,西方做了缩头乌龟,减少了国防预算。" That the West has sat back and reduced defence expenditure at the same time, " Do you get a percentage ?

尽管两党领导人真的同意这以去做,但是事到临头,他们又因为政治原因而当缩头乌龟。Although, leaders in both parties do agrees in substance but while doing it, they step back for political reasons.

所以在很多时候,当难题出现的时候,我们就像缩头乌龟一样缩进自己的壳里,假装一切进展顺利。So in many cases, when problems arise, we are like a coward into its shell, pretending that everything goes smoothly.

谭队长很恼火,黄鸣锋怎么能让苏楚侨三人去冒险,自己却当起了缩头乌龟。Tan captain was angry, huang feng how can let Su Chu three people to take the risk, when played a little puss-head himself.

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有时候你不能做缩头乌龟,而且付出的劳动要比获得的报酬更多,不过这也是你所能做出的唯一选择。Sometimes sticking your neck out and giving more than youare being paid to do is worthwhile, but that’s a choice only you canmake.

四把桨,水里游,遇到祸事就缩头。寿命长,耐饥饿,背上甲壳可入药坰——乌龟。Four oars, swim in water, encounter a disaster on the head. Long life, resistance to starvation, back shell can be used as medicine.

是的,从好的方面来看,我们都知道马尔福是个讨厌的缩头乌龟,但邓不利多知道总有希望使人有一天会转变。Yes, we all know Draco is a nasty, little puss-head, to put it nicely , but Dumbledore knows that there is always hope to turn someone around.

不过有时候我们囿于风俗习惯,例如常穿深色的衣服、老是穿套头毛衣,因此觉得很沮丧,像缩头乌龟一样老是待在那里,一动也不动,一成不变。But sometimes because we get into the habit, like always wearing dark clothes, always wearing a turtleneck, then depressed, just stay there, don't move, don't change.

那什么是悲观呢?悲观是当你遇到问题,你不会迎头挑战,只会像缩头乌龟一样,紧紧的缩在那里,表示你是一个很胆小的人。What is pessimistic? Pessimism is when you meet problems, you can't challenge head-on, will only like little puss-head, tightly in there, says you are a very timid person.

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叫花子在村民中怂恿老百姓,说红军是缩头乌龟,让百姓仇恨红军,不明真相的村民们对红军产生怨言。Set in the villagers of common people, said the red army is egg little puss-head, let people hate the red army, unaware of the truth of the villagers have complaints about the reds.